The Student Room Group
Reply 1
20 benson & hedges

lol, hope u get it sorted pal
Reply 2
Anybody know any good home remedies for bad coughs??? as i gota really annoying one right now and i have no cough medicine, rather not be coughing all the time :biggrin:

Have you got any lemon juice? Add warm water and drink:p: Or try any hot drink like tea or something it soothes the throat and makes mucus more watery which is better than it being thick, cloggy and annoying.
Reply 3
Hot Water + Lemon + Honey. The lemon soothes, the hot water melts any icky stuff and the honey has anti-bacterial properties:smile: Also if you have a headache and blocked nose (as well as a cough) get a bowl and tea-towel, put boiling water in the bowl but not too full ( and don't touch the hot water!!) put your head over the steam and put the tea-towel over your head. It sounds weird but it does help an its very relaxing :biggrin:
Reply 4
Anybody know any good home remedies for bad coughs??? as i gota really annoying one right now and i have no cough medicine, rather not be coughing all the time :biggrin:

i spoon of honey with crushed balck pepper. Cannot be ground black pepper. Or try something called Actified available from your local chemist and works wonders.
Reply 5
Well naturally cough syrup is the best =P Warm drinks with honey help soothe your throat. Some other things you can try is mints, menthol acts as a natural anasthetic helping to dull the cough reflex, if you have them at home. They work on same principal as say 'fishermans friends'. Another remedy that surprisingly works, and is far more fun is dark chocolate =P I looked it up and there is a chemical in it that supresses the cough reflex even better than codeine, but you'll need round 50g of dark chocolate.

I just had a very bad cough for a week or so, like where cough syrup only lasts 1 hour or so. And since I didn't want to get codeine dependant I tried a lot of different remedies and besides codeine, a constant flow of fluid, menthol and dark chocolate seems to work the best. Hope it works from you.
Reply 6
I never know dark chocolate is good for caugh reliver;p
Reply 7
Ok, well this remedy is going to sound utterly revolting... but I promise it's not quite as bad as it sounds.

Chop up some onion (not very much, < half a small onion), put into a cup or small bowl, and sprinkle sugar over it (any kind, though brown sugar makes it a bit nicer). Leave it for several hours, and it will form a syrup, which you drink.

I know that sounds totally disgusting, but the onion-y-ness is very weak, so it tastes mostly sugary. It works so well, because the onion has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. My mum was given it as a child when she had bronchitis and a whole host of other nasty respitory stuff.

And if you can't face that, as mentioned before, hot water with lemon and honey is great too. If your cough is because of gunk on your chest, avoid milk/chocolate and other dairy products, as they make your mucus thicker and therefore it's harder for it to do its job of lubricating your throat (mucus is a good thing! medicines that dry it up are not a great idea, if you can do without them)

Hope it gets better soon.
Strepsils and plenty of water
If you have a sore throat/cough or anything of the sort, buy some really spicey past sauce, something that will burn your mouth, and make some pasta, and eat it with excesive amounts of the sauce. It will burn your cough away! It will work with anything spicey, just make sure it is very spicey.
Tub of ice cream and a series of friends, with a nice comfy duvet.
Reply 11
I've always had good luck with warm milk with honey and a tad of saffron.

Another alternative, if the cough has phlegm, is to have some unrefined/raw sugar (the kind that is hard). I don't know why it works, but it fixed me up when I had some bad stuff in my body.