The Student Room Group
I don't think you can make such a general statement: "All universities close on the weekend".
Reply 2
Dont think the admissions office would be about at any rate
Reply 3
You could try phoning
Reply 4
Dont think the admissions office would be about at any rate

I agree, but i know at my Uni the library is open and so are the shops/canteens. I think Monday is more likely for the admissions office, however i'd ring just to be sure
Some do, some don't. Mine, for example, doesn't, as some unlucky students have lectures on a Saturday morning. All the libraries and stuff are still open too, its only Sunday when it goes dead.
Reply 6
Don't forget it's a bank holiday this weekend...

But yeah, most libraries and things will be open on a weekend, just with restricted hours (my library os only open for 6 hours on a saturday and sunday :eek:)
Reply 7
Most universities stay open for the academic staff to use their offices, do research and use the libraries. However, the admin staff usually only work normal office hours.
Reply 8
mine is
I Feel bad for those students
Original post by Cha-ching
I Feel bad for those students

This is a 14 year old thread