So I had my first lesson today. It went okay. I learned how to start the car and drove on a straight road in gears 1-3 and then brought the car to a stop. I kept using the clutch incorrectly whilst braking but I'm sure I'll pick that up as I practise more... Anyways, I was just wondering after how many lessons your instructor let you drive home without his help?
Took me quite a while as getting to my home involved a fairly awkward to drive on 60mph road. It depends on where you live and where you're learning to drive.
I think it depends on your instructor and his way of doing things. For me, he drove me up to a quiet road and then I drove back to college on my first lesson (surprisingly) but that being said the road to college that I drove on is often very quiet.
So I had my first lesson today. It went okay. I learned how to start the car and drove on a straight road in gears 1-3 and then brought the car to a stop. I kept using the clutch incorrectly whilst braking but I'm sure I'll pick that up as I practise more... Anyways, I was just wondering after how many lessons your instructor let you drive home without his help?
As an instructor, it varies depending on location of home, difficulty of local roads, ability of the pupil, pupil's wishes etc. I aim for third lesson at the latest, sometimes it's earlier, very occasionally later...
However, my pupils don't drive home 'without my help'. To do so, I would have to close my eyes and not say anything, which would be foolhardy in the extreme and I am not that crazy! My pupils have almost all their lessons with my 'help' even if it means that I am sitting there simply watching to ensure they don't kill me and themselves. By the time they are test ready, I can sit there nice and relaxed knowing that I won't have to doesn't mean I don't keep watching though!
Do you mean like if the instructor gets in the driving seat & physically drives home?
I think it's fair to say that, like Emma said above, there's always some degree of help even if it is just the instructor quietly sat there observing. For me, it was the first lesson, as my instructor lived on the same street as me, just a few houses up.
On my first lesson but I think that's because I've been practising before in my dad's car so I knew the basics. Also my instructor is very chilled out, he took me out onto main roads on my second lesson.
I was coerced into driving home at the end of the second lesson (four hours). It was all "just keep going until we find a safe place to pull over and switch seats, not long now, just around this corner..." until I was home. My instructor said that he did usually try to get people to drive back on their first lesson, but it all depends on ability, confidence and the roads around you.