The Student Room Group

Friends or more?

Ok, I'm in a bit of a confusing situation. I'm a gay/bi girl and am best mates with a gay guy. I love this guy to bits even though i only met him a year ago when we both started uni.

Anyway, on several occasions on nights out we have ended up pulling each other (just kissing, nothing else). A couple of weeks ago he told me he would pull me every day of the week if i wanted to. I dont really know how to take this. He did kind of say it in the way that we are both just friends and therefore we know where we stand and nothing more is going to happen. However earlier in the night i think he hinted that he might be bi.

Now, i do really like this guy and we get on so well. In my heart i would love to have a relationship with him but in my head i think it could ruin our friendship and probably wouldnt work due to the obvious gay situation! I'm not sure if its just alcohol that brings about these situations! Don't know what to do. Help!
Reply 1
If you like him tell him so. The only way to work throught these types fo problems is to talk.
Reply 2
okay, maybe this gay guy is a bi and not totally gay
well why would it ruin your friendship, because you twi are best friends, he would understand however i would wait a bit and see how bi your friend is
Reply 3
well, we are always saying we love each other...but i thought it was just a friendship thing...he's a gay guy so quite affectionate! Its hard to tell the difference between being friendly/affectionate and something more
Reply 4
the only way you can ever find out is if you sit him down and talk to him.
i'm sure if he was full of sense he wouldn't take it to offence.
ask him how he feels for you, ask him if he has his eye on anyone else..

it seems like hes bi because gay guys dont usually like to pull girls, but have these always happened when you've both been drunk?
Reply 5
He does eem to be bi. Theories suggest very few people are either straight or gay, and just have a preferance.
Reply 6
Yeah its always been when drunk...but we dont have to be wasted, just after a couple so we do know what we are doing. I've always said i was gay til recently cos i've been pulling far too many guys. The guy in question has pulled a couple of other female friends this year too, but they were both one offs. He's still definately interested in guys though
Reply 7
I pull my gay friends all the time, it doesnt have to mean I fancy them!
Reply 8
I might not mean anything at all.

My best mate is a lesbian and we say that we love each other all the time and that if she was straight, then she would deffinatly go out with me.
Alot of people around this age might just be confused and not gay etc.... ealier on in your development its a confusing time and sometimes the wrong message can be given in your body... it has kinda been proven that until you are at least 18 you cant always tell for sure that ur gay... u both seem to enjoy each other, so go for it!
Reply 10
in my opinion all that gay/bi stuff is quite relative - especially at the teen years...
Reply 11
First...awwww! Secondly, do you fancy him?! and Finally talk to him!! Ask him how he feels.
ask him if he likes girls too...then take it from there