The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Its normal in some people, just depends what sort of body shape you have. I really wouldnt worry about it, I doubt people would even notice and putting on weight probably wouldnt make a difference.
Reply 2
My collar bones are quite visable for someone that isn't stick thin. I have big muscles (not as in toned, but just their my arms and legs are bigger because there is untoned muscle there). I do have a very small back though so my shoulders seem a bit wider than they are.
I don't think there is really much you can do about it. When I had a bit more weight on me they weren't so noticeable...I was a size 12/14 then I guess.
If you have long hair you could use that that try to hide them but it is common.
Reply 3
Mine stick out quite noticeably but I'm a size 10/12 so fairly average-sized. I would say its all down to individual shape. If you're happy with the size of the rest of you, don't worry about it.
Reply 4
i think they are sexy even though im a girl its just a thing! Alot of people have them
Reply 5
I've fractured my clavicle four times, 3 times left, once right, the left is more prominent that then right now, not by much though
Reply 6
My boyfriend has them and I think they're really hot.
Reply 8
you don't like it?
having your collar bone sticking out, for a lot of people, is like WOW.
Reply 9
If it makes you uncomfortable, and you think it can be attributed to your weight; then by all means try eating a little more to gain some more weight and see if it makes a difference. :smile:

However, I don't think it's that easy to notice- most of the time you won't be completely flashing your collarbone anyway. And even if you did, I don't think people would notice that it's particularly prominent.

At then end of the day it's completely up to you- if it makes you uncomfortable then it might be worth seeing if putting on a bit of weight alters it at all, but if you're just worried what others will think- then I honestly don't think they'll notice. :smile:
Reply 10
Generally having collar bones that stick out a bit is seen as very sexy and attractive.. Not sure why. Similar to the long neck thing? Gives you some elegance or something... aah I dont know what I'm talking about!
I have them too.. My mum calls it my "coathanger",.. nice..
Reply 12
I'm not skinny, but my collar bone is probably the boniest part of my body... after spells of hating it I quite like to touch it and imagine the bones underneath etc. Actually, it is the only thing about me I truely like.