The Student Room Group

possible std?

About a year ago, i almost had unprotected sex with a guy. I say "almost", basically he started trying and put his penis just at the opening, but i was too dry and then i threw up on him(yes it was drunken and a mistake), so we left it at that.
Since then, i have had thrush twice, and now that area is slightly inflamed and red. Could i have caught an std from such brief contact? what exactly does "exchange of bodily fluids" mean, and is it true that we would have had to have had proper sex in order to catch something. I dont have an unusual discharge or smells or anything like that. I havent had that part of me checked by a doctor since.
so basically, im saying, could i have caught an std, and would i still not know a year later whether or not i had one? ive never had one before so dont really know what they're like.
Id be really grateful for any information, thanks
Reply 1
You can catch an STD (PC term is STI as disease is insulting) from a brief contact. It was a year ago so it is unlikely. You should still get checked out at the clininc to be sure. I'm sure you know thrush is not only an STI but can also be caused by a number of things including antibiotics.

It's possible even in that brief encounter as there is likely to be "pre-ejaculate" on his penis as well as you are likely to be wet(although this wasn't the case for you).
Reply 2
some dont show any symptoms though, and some show symptoms after a period of time...
Reply 3
No harm in getting it checked