Got my first raft of information through from Notts today (ePar etc. etc.) and amongst it is the programme of induction activities for Politics/European Politics BA students.
I'm a bit gutted at the large amount of things scheduled for early morning on Fresher's Week. Do they not realise this is the time when we'll be drinking the most and wanting to lie in?
I was wondering if some current students or 2nd/3rd years/post-grads could clear up what out of this lot actually is compulsory:-
Monday 25th September:-
10.15 - Refreshments, Foyer, LASS Building
11.00 Introduction and Welcome, Prof Richard Aldrich, Head of School, B62 LASS Building
Student Progress and Support, Dr Tony Burns
Course Arrangements, Dr Sue Pryce & Mrs April Stevens
16.30 - University Registration - Sports Centre
I've no problem with this first day as I don't expect Sunday night to be that late/crazy
Tuesday 25th September:-
9.30-11.30 - Study Skills, B62 LASS Building - TWO HOURS and at 9am?!?!
11:45-12.00 - Careers Advisory Service: Introductory talk - Mr Robert James - B62
A bit excessive...
Thursday 28th September
10.00-13.00 - Meetings with personal tutors in their offices in LASS
14.00 - 15.00 - Library Induction and Introduction to Student Portal - B62 LASS - An hour of this I could do without seeing as I'm already registered on the Portal and I doubt Library Induction will take an hour.
Friday 29th September
10.30-11.00 - Introduction to the Politics Society - B63 LASS - Surely they could have had this in the afternoon or after Freshers Week??
11.15-12.30 - Study Skills - B63 LASS - Was the first 2hrs not enough? If you don't know how to study by now I highly doubt you'd be in Nottingham. Is this just a repeat of the first session? If so I'd rather not go.
12.45 - Health Centre Registration:-
12.45 - 13.00 - Politics A-E
14.00 - 14.15 - Politics F-J
14.15 - 14.30 - Politics K-O
14.30 - 14.45 - Politics P-T
14.45 - 15.00 - Politics U-T
I assume that's by surname?
Basically that's a lot of early starts and seems to clash a fair bit with either recuperation from the night before or the afternoon activities. Could they not mix some of this into the first week of lectures?
How much can we afford to miss?