The Student Room Group

First week induction - Early starts!!

Got my first raft of information through from Notts today (ePar etc. etc.) and amongst it is the programme of induction activities for Politics/European Politics BA students.

I'm a bit gutted at the large amount of things scheduled for early morning on Fresher's Week. Do they not realise this is the time when we'll be drinking the most and wanting to lie in?

I was wondering if some current students or 2nd/3rd years/post-grads could clear up what out of this lot actually is compulsory:-

Monday 25th September:-

10.15 - Refreshments, Foyer, LASS Building

11.00 Introduction and Welcome, Prof Richard Aldrich, Head of School, B62 LASS Building
Student Progress and Support, Dr Tony Burns
Course Arrangements, Dr Sue Pryce & Mrs April Stevens

16.30 - University Registration - Sports Centre

I've no problem with this first day as I don't expect Sunday night to be that late/crazy

Tuesday 25th September:-

9.30-11.30 - Study Skills, B62 LASS Building - TWO HOURS and at 9am?!?!

11:45-12.00 - Careers Advisory Service: Introductory talk - Mr Robert James - B62

A bit excessive...

Thursday 28th September

10.00-13.00 - Meetings with personal tutors in their offices in LASS

14.00 - 15.00 - Library Induction and Introduction to Student Portal - B62 LASS - An hour of this I could do without seeing as I'm already registered on the Portal and I doubt Library Induction will take an hour.

Friday 29th September

10.30-11.00 - Introduction to the Politics Society - B63 LASS - Surely they could have had this in the afternoon or after Freshers Week??

11.15-12.30 - Study Skills - B63 LASS - Was the first 2hrs not enough? If you don't know how to study by now I highly doubt you'd be in Nottingham. Is this just a repeat of the first session? If so I'd rather not go.

12.45 - Health Centre Registration:-

12.45 - 13.00 - Politics A-E
14.00 - 14.15 - Politics F-J
14.15 - 14.30 - Politics K-O
14.30 - 14.45 - Politics P-T
14.45 - 15.00 - Politics U-T

I assume that's by surname?

Basically that's a lot of early starts and seems to clash a fair bit with either recuperation from the night before or the afternoon activities. Could they not mix some of this into the first week of lectures?

How much can we afford to miss?

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Miss the library crap its all obvious. Id be tempted to mis the second study skills too if the first one is really crap.

Oh and the first night will be late, you will sit up for hours talking to your new buddies!
Reply 2
Sunday night is the best time to get absolutely rat-arsed. I ended up in Lenton, not knowing what the hell was going on, why exactly I ended up leaving that 2nd year house party and how I was getting home.
Oh you went to Harry and Henry's ... erroneous.
Reply 4
It was fun. I got my fingers jammed in a door because I was drunk enough to think it'd be fun to put them there. The nails were black for ages.

No, really, Sunday night is your first night of uni, you should do something that you will remember for the rest of your life. Hopefully something incredibly stupid.
Reply 5
err count yourself lucky! My schedule begins:

Monday 25th September
8.30 - Be at Medical School foyer for general introduction talk

Need I say more?!
Reply 6
how have you got those already? :eek: in the post or on the net?
Reply 7
The introduction talks are mostly pretty irrelevant. I missed the library one after sitting through the dullest lecture on using the uni network that they cunningly slipped in after my Introduction to America Lit lecture.

Study Skills seems a bit extreme too. I can't really give you any advice about that because I missed those too...but it didn't hinder my first year result and I don't think I missed out.

I'd say the only vital ones you should definitely aim to get to are the University Registration(you can't really avoid that), Health Registration, Personal Tutor meeting and possibly the course introduction. The last one is negligible
Reply 8
From what I remember, it's all compulsory, but they don't actually check if you turn up or not.

Study skills was pretty useless, stuff like how to write notes and how to avoid plagarism.You don't NEED an introduction to the politics society, go speak to them at freshers fayre! And I missed health centre registration cause it clashed with lunch, luckily I've not needed a docotr in the last two years!
Reply 9
how have you got those already? :eek: in the post or on the net?

In the post. Welcome letter from the Politics department along with the above, letter about Pol Soc and ePar.

Cheers for the advice. I suppose I'll wait and see what everyone else is going to.
Reply 10
ohh i want a letter :p:
Reply 11
Go to registration, registration for the health centre and meet your tutor, the others aren't really that important. I REALLY wish i hadn't gone to that library talk. Ugh. xx
Reply 12
I only went to my health centre one and caught the last 3 minutes of my course one. I'd say only go to the health one, don't want to end up dead.
Yeah its pretty important ... are they still making like everyone have an MMR jab?
Reply 14
Can't remember what I had but it turned out I needed two vaccinations. Could've been brown bread if I didn't go. They might have mmr?
Reply 15
err count yourself lucky! My schedule begins:

Monday 25th September
8.30 - Be at Medical School foyer for general introduction talk

Need I say more?!

Us vets have got it just as bad. Oh well it's never going to be any different so I suppose we might as well just start as we meen to go on.
ohh i want a letter :p:

I want mine too :frown:. Im going on holiday on thursday...I hope it comes before then....
Reply 17
aww it should do cos they said 2 weeks from results day! hopefull itll come this week some time :smile:
Reply 18
hmm any other medics out there, do we get any more info bout freshers week other than turn up at 8:30 in the medical block?? the whole weeks is jst scary if u've got no idea wot's coming!!!
Lol basically they say turn up at a time to all these places ... get yourself a folder or something and put EVERYTHING in it, like all your personal stuff, every single correspondence form the uni etc and just take it to all the events cos you never know what they are going to ask you for, and theres nothing more annoying than missing the one thing that you need to complete that stage and having to go back later!