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Reply 1
i dont understadn the second table
hey...i got 13 A*s and 1 A...where would i lie?...i dunno what it means by your school's points
Reply 3
i dont understadn the second table

Since every school doesn't parallel the standards of Eton, etc. Cambridge value adjusts the scores the people get to match them. So someone who gets 6A*s from Eton would be just as good as someone who got 6As from a bog standard comprehensive.

That was an exaggeration. Check the figures for the real story.
Is it the schools' %A*-C? Otherwise, I haven't a clue!
Reply 5
The second table is how your school fares in terms of GCSE points - A* is 8 points, A is 7 etc, the total being the average point score for your school. For schools with lower points, ie lower GCSE results on average, extra points are added for your application. Your school's point score should be available from the DfEs website, apparently.

Look at 2.5.4
i understand the "adjustment" procedure but is the "school score" column what percentage of the school's grades are A/A*? i think that's what it is!
For supposedly uber-clever people, they've surprised me by neglecting a legend! :p:
Reply 8
For supposedly uber-clever people, they've surprised me by neglecting a legend! :p:

Apologies, let me rectify that to a description of "Adjustment Score". I'm afraid I'd closed the file whilst the debate about what the table was for was still ongoing.
so where cna i get this information about my school. the only thing i could generalsie and say is that an A is equivalent to an A* where i go. as in they think A's are a god send...which they are lol
Reply 11
This has caught my eye before. school has an average point score of (according to the DfEs website) 28.9. But these figures are from '01. Hmmm.

EDIT: I've found the page for '05. says the average point score is now 236.7. Hmmm.
Reply 12
This has caught my eye before. school has an average point score of (according to the DfEs website) 28.9. But these figures are from '01. Hmmm.

EDIT: I've found the page for '05. says the average point score is now 236.7. Hmmm.

The system changed; they don't give 8 points for an A* or 7 points for an A anymore. They give 58 points for an A* and so on. Pretty stupid because under this system an A* is only 3.625 times better than an G and in the older system an A* was 8 times better than a G.

Goddamn Government! :mad:

Check it out here:
Reply 13
The system changed; they don't give 8 points for an A* or 7 points for an A anymore. They give 58 points for an A* and so on.

Yep. I know. This is the system the sixth form I'll be going to, come September, uses.
Reply 14
This has caught my eye before. school has an average point score of (according to the DfEs website) 28.9. But these figures are from '01. Hmmm.

EDIT: I've found the page for '05. says the average point score is now 236.7. Hmmm.

How did you get that anyway, I want to check my score out as well. I've found the page but am I looking for "Average total point score"?
The system changed; they don't give 8 points for an A* or 7 points for an A anymore. They give 58 points for an A* and so on. Pretty stupid because under this system an A* is only 3.625 times better than an G and in the older system an A* was 8 times better than a G.

Goddamn Government! :mad:

Check it out here:

Ah I see because I was wondering why my school was 400 and something:p:
Reply 16
How did you get that anyway, I want to check my score out as well. I've found the page but am I looking for "Average total point score"?

Search for your school here. Underneath the main menu, you'll see a navigation aid. Something like "Home > Regions > South East >" etc etc. Beneath this you'll find a hyperlink labelled "GCSE and GNVQ." Click on that. You'll be redirected to a table which shows all of the schools in your area. The average points score is in the last column.
Reply 17
Dude my school totally sucks ass, we're bottom in our LA. Still that means I get around ~ +2.5 points which will give me a total of 17 points :biggrin:
Dude my school totally sucks ass, we're bottom in our LA. Still that means I get around ~ +2.5 points which will give me a total of 17 points :biggrin:

Why do you attend such a school when you could have went to a grammar school, with those kinda grades?
Why shouldnt the points alloted go into the negative in the second table after 50% pass rate. So that is why Grammar school people with 100% pass rates always get into Oxbridge...