The Student Room Group

Racial diversity at Exeter

HI every1,

I just wanted to know wanted to know what the racial mix is like at Exeter. A friend of mine said that there arent many ethnic minorities in Exter and that in fact racism occurs to the few ethnic minorities that go to exeter. Especially in local surounding areas. Now i am not saying this is true. I'm just saying can you give me the reality. I dont mind proven wrong or correct i just want an honest answer.

Thank you
Reply 1
I don't know about racism, but I think it is a predominately white area (it's just the way Devon and Cornwall are, really.) I hope it's not a racist area simply because I think that attitude is disgusting. I'm sure the majority of students aren't, though, because they'll be from different areas themselves.
Reply 2
I've lived here all my life and never come across any racism :smile:

True there is not a huge ethnic mix in the city, but everyone is catered for and welcomed as far as I can tell.
Reply 3
I've only been there for the open day, but the lack of ethnic mix felt strange to me, having lived in Middx for most of my life. However, the minorities who I did come across at Exeter seemed contented and mixed well.
Reply 4
Well I'm glad someone brought this up.. it was something i was kinda worried about too.. but i guess it didn't stop me making it my first choice.
There are a lot of Chinese/South East Asian students but yes, because it is Devon and not a huge metropolis, its not the most ethnically diverse place. However, I've never noticed any racism.
Reply 6
Exeter is not an ethnically diverse city at all as the above posters say, in fact I guess what small variety of people from different ethnic divisions there are, are students at the uni itself. I'd say there are quite a few Chinese/Japanese people on campus though.

Nope but as everyone else has said, I never noticed any racism at all.
Reply 7
the amount of international students at undergrad is very very low, but is very very high at postgrad.
Reply 8
Does anyone know how many Chinese/South East Asian students are at the university.
I have a chinese friend who is thinking of applying to Exeter whos curiuos.
Reply 9
I should add shes thinking of studying geology at Camborne School of Mines.
Is CSM at the Cornwall campus?
Reply 10
Not sure about CSM I'm afraid.
Not sure about exact numbers of Chinese/SE Asian students at the uni either but there seems to be a fair number (what you might call a significant minority) studying at SOBE.
There's no need to be really worried about ethnic diversity - this year I'm living with a Nigerian girl and a guy from Jordan and I'm still waiting for more flatmates to come!