The Student Room Group

How to get rid of acne scars and redness

I often find that whenever a spot is gone, it always leaves a dark mark where it's been, long after it's gone. I am prone to spots on my forehead so as you can imagine I have many dark marks all over my forehead. Concealer does the trick to cover it up but I don't want to be using make up all the time. Does anyone have any tips and tricks??
Reply 1
dont pick or touch them too mcuh, u could use bio oil to help (boots, about 8 pounds). good luck!
I often find that whenever a spot is gone, it always leaves a dark mark where it's been, long after it's gone. I am prone to spots on my forehead so as you can imagine I have many dark marks all over my forehead. Concealer does the trick to cover it up but I don't want to be using make up all the time. Does anyone have any tips and tricks??

i'm totally the same..have lots of scars from about 8 years ago now but also more recent ones. tried loads of stuff-the pill, antibiotics, creams etc. the only thing which covers it is make up-hardly ideal and tends to make new ones appear too. i wish i could have make up free days without feelin crap about my skin :frown:
i can;t remember the vitamin,but there is 1 that repairs and promotes the growth of skin cells,mayb E can;t remember.Try eating Vitamin E foods,also get blood flowing to the mark/scar,by tapping exercises (saw it on richard and judy ;S ) and exercise and gradually they disappear takes like a year though....
Reply 4
What do you mean by 'tapping exercises' ?
you like tap with two fingers (middle and index)on the place,for like 2minutes every day,its suppose 2 increase the circulation there.