The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Me! I be staying at the Uni Village Courtyard B, Flat 27. Which flat are you at? we might be neighbours:biggrin:
Reply 2
Technically its just over the road, about a 5 min walk to the square / lecture theatres etc.
Reply 3
how come i'm always the last to receive any info :frown: i just got the AS12 letter 2 days ago.... so unfair....
Bulgaria postal services?
Reply 5
could be... anyhow, I wish I knew stuff on time... :-/
Reply 6
alas, i'm flat 37, paragon, but i expect we'll bump into eachother someday!

You bet, I'll be studying BSc Biochem, so we'll probably have some courses in common:biggrin:
Reply 7
flat 28 :P
I'm in the University Village, Pine House, Flat 4....anyone near there? I'm doing Biology with a Foundation year........

See you all there, not long now!!

Reply 9
i got ash.. whats it like?? someone tell me fast before i get jittery...
im in flat 33!!