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all my mates have tried but i won't, something that sounds that good has to have a downside but on the other hand everything in moderation, if you want to try it do, one time won't hurt just don't get dependant on it x :smile:
Reply 2
Shesha doesnt do as much damage to you as cigarettes do plus its not so addictive.Loads of my friends do it - I just find it a bit too subtle :s
Reply 3
It has simialr risks to smoking - it is tobacco after all. Mouth cancer is the biggy. However, if is a once in a while thing, and not a daily activity, the risks are probably small.
Reply 4
yh its got pure tabaco
Reply 5
Sheesha isnt actually good for your health. But its not that bad. A regular 45 minute session of sheesha contains about as much nicotine as a pack of ciggarettes. However, sheesha smoke, since the actual tobacco doesnt burn, is not nearly as likely to give you lung cancer as ciggarettes. The water acts as a filter, and youll get hardly any tar from smoking sheesha. The smoke is non irritable because its moist, and can actually clear a sore throat rather than make it worse.

It also depends on what tobacco you smoke. Good quality flavoured sheesha tobacco is red, and is actually two thirds flavourings and one third tobacco. Hookah, on the other hand, is flavourless, and is all tobacco. Its VERY strong. Different flavours also have different strengths, grape, my favourite, is quite a strong one. Rose, mint and apple are good for beginners.

Dont use quick lighting coal, with the silver stuff on it, it'll make your pipe stink and its poisonous. Use good coal, like the stuff u use 4 a BBQ. And put foil on the head and then coal on that.

Skin is something i wouldnt know about. My friends and I are all tanned, so we cant tell.

Try it, but b careful. Dont smoke alot then drive, cause sheesha can make you drowsy.

Have fun, and for the record, I smoke sheesha every other day, sheesha shops are like cafes over here, theryre where me and my friends hang out. I also make my own, but u shouldnt unless youre sure u know what youre doing.
Reply 6
I don't smoke cigarettes but I have done sheesha once. Yummy pistachio flavours.
Reply 7
Not as bad as smoking.

I did it a few times when I was in Iran earlier this month, usually after a meal.

One of the sheesha's was quite strong and I did feel a bit drowsy, but mainly it is not as harmful as smoking because of the water filtering the tobacco.
It's definitely bad for your health, yeah, but it's still nice.

I go often, but mainly for friends as opposed just for the shesha.
I heard the stuff about 'water acting as a filter' is bull**** and a shesha is the equivalent of at least 10 or more fags
Reply 10
I've heard that and thats bull****
I've never even heard of it! Can someone explain to me what it is?

Reply 12
Sheesha has impurities thus it is bad for you.
Reply 13
Sheesha is a asian/middle eastern way of smoking a long pipe - google it
I've heard that and thats bull****

I was told that by a medical person, who told you it was bull**** by the way?
oh and also:

A review published in the medical journal Pediatrics[5] found that the concentration of cancer-causing and addictive substances in water-pipes may be equal to those found in cigarettes, with the heat involved being sufficient to generate carcinogenic nitrosamines, and the smoldering charcoal adding some carcinogenic hydrocarbons as well as heavy metals to the smoke. Similarly, a study in the November 2005 issue of the Journal of Periodontology[6] found that the impact of water pipe smoking is largely the same magnitude as that of cigarette smoking. Ironically, use of the hookah may increase the smoker's toxic exposure, in that studies have shown that the typical hookah smoker spends more time per episode of smoking than do other smokers, presumably because the smoke is less immediately harsh or irritating. Thomas Eissenberg, a psychology professor at Virginia Commonwealth University co-authored a hookah study which found that a session of hookah smoking which lasts about 45 minutes, delivers 36 times more tar, 15 times more carbon monoxide and 70% more nicotine than a single cigarette ( although it is important to note that a single cigarette will last no more than 5 minutes , which makes approximatively 9 cigarettes in order to compare to the 45 minutes hookah session ). A study in the Journal of Periodontology found that hookah smokers were five times more likely than non-smokers to have signs of gum disease

Worth thinking about. You can probably find articles from more credible sources if you can think its worth a google.
Reply 16
Apparently worse than smoking because it's at a higher temperature
Apparently worse than smoking because it's at a higher temperature

yep it might have something to do with this?

In addition, the quick-lighting charcoal used by many hookah smokers may be "the biggest hazard for hookah users" because it produces greater levels of carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, and other dangerous substances than standard charcoal. The quick-lighting charcoal is produced by mixing powdered-charcoal with various chemicals such as potassium nitrate, that allow it to be quickly and easily ignited.
Reply 18
I was told that by a medical person, who told you it was bull**** by the way?

I'm not saying it is good for the health; I'm saying its not as bad as smoking. Especially if you note that most times one sheesha is shared between a number of people unlike a cigarette.
I'm not saying it is good for the health; I'm saying its not as bad as smoking. Especially if you note that most times one sheesha is shared between a number of people unlike a cigarette.

well according to what i quoted earlier you would need to share a 45 minute-long shisha with 9 other people for it to be the equiv. of one fag. i think most people tend to share with a max of 3-4 people so its sitll more dangerous than smoking cigarettes.