Sheesha isnt actually good for your health. But its not that bad. A regular 45 minute session of sheesha contains about as much nicotine as a pack of ciggarettes. However, sheesha smoke, since the actual tobacco doesnt burn, is not nearly as likely to give you lung cancer as ciggarettes. The water acts as a filter, and youll get hardly any tar from smoking sheesha. The smoke is non irritable because its moist, and can actually clear a sore throat rather than make it worse.
It also depends on what tobacco you smoke. Good quality flavoured sheesha tobacco is red, and is actually two thirds flavourings and one third tobacco. Hookah, on the other hand, is flavourless, and is all tobacco. Its VERY strong. Different flavours also have different strengths, grape, my favourite, is quite a strong one. Rose, mint and apple are good for beginners.
Dont use quick lighting coal, with the silver stuff on it, it'll make your pipe stink and its poisonous. Use good coal, like the stuff u use 4 a BBQ. And put foil on the head and then coal on that.
Skin is something i wouldnt know about. My friends and I are all tanned, so we cant tell.
Try it, but b careful. Dont smoke alot then drive, cause sheesha can make you drowsy.
Have fun, and for the record, I smoke sheesha every other day, sheesha shops are like cafes over here, theryre where me and my friends hang out. I also make my own, but u shouldnt unless youre sure u know what youre doing.