The Student Room Group
Reply 1
There is an LGBT society at UCL - check out

I don't know any members, but if I go to UCL I'll probably become a member :biggrin:
are u two gay?
Reply 3
The UCL LGBT isn't bad, tbh. It tends to be rather over the top like most LGBTs though, but to be fair, London is thriving and there's a scene for everyone.
Reply 4
The UCL LGBT isn't bad, tbh. It tends to be rather over the top like most LGBTs though, but to be fair, London is thriving and there's a scene for everyone.

What do you mean by over the top?
Reply 5
It, like most places that are trying to encourage young, impressionable gay people to come out and feel comfortable, tends to become stereotypically gay. Thus, the themes and agendas can tend to be unnecessarily gay, and forced homosexuality (oh god, that shouldn't sound so arousing) really gets on my nerves. There's nothing wrong with being camp, but there's a fine line between being camp and being yourself.
Reply 6
yeh i agree, over campness is not my scene either i hope i found my niche! :smile:
Reply 7
the LGBT soc at UCL is quite active. they have regular events going on. The ice breaker events are a great way to meet new people. Keep an eye out for it during Fresher week.