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None. The movies perhaps, but I never have done. All of those are social occasions to me and as such I'd want to be with friends or other people when doing one or another.
I occasionally go out alone to the cinema, but to all the others listed I go with friends. If, hovever, I decide to go to the cinema in Peckham (London), then I definitely take a friend. :biggrin:

Why are you asking though?
Reply 3
Would probably watch a film alone if there was a cinema near enough to me. Would eat alone but never have.

Wouldn't go to a pub/club on my own.
Reply 4

i hate even meeting people in town which i have to do a lot due to sports til 9 when we go out. not 2 bad tho, always get a great reception and everyone thinks im the man as i get about 15 drunken ********s shoutin WEAH n giving some greetings.

and the typical "whos a fezzy bastard, whos a fezzy bastard"
ahh im gonna miss um at uni....
Reply 5
but ye, why do you ask, what do you do?
If I was considerably older (say about 40) and wore tweed I might consider going to a restaurant alone. At the moment I dont wear tweed and would not.
Reply 7
Reply 8
business men eat alone regularly, that is when they dont purchase an escort.

(shady business that)
Reply 9
no one to go out with :frown:
sorry to hear that
Reply 11
I go to restaurants on my own quite frequently (both casual and upmarket). I have never been to the cinema on my own but would if there was something I really wanted to see. I have been to the theatre on my own on several occassions. I prefer going shopping without friends so will sometimes find myself in a pub for a drink afterwards. I also travel a lot by myself so I get used to going places and socalising with people I meet along the way.

I love my friends and love socialising, partying and conversation but I also enjoy my own company and the freedom that comes along with it. I find it very relaxing. You don't have to compromise on where you go/what film you see and you don't have to rely on anyone else. It's hassle free!

If you don't have anyone to go out with it shouldn't stop you from enjoying going places like restaurants, cinemas and pubs etc. There is no rule that you can't go on your own and if you will find enjoyment in these places by yourself then you should go for it. I probably wouldn't enjoy a club on my own so I wouldn't go to one. However I do enjoy the other things you mentioned so lack of company will not prevent me from going to them.
Reply 12
I have gone to the cinema alone many times, I pick the time I want when I know the cinema will be near empty. I just like it like that.
I've gone to pubs on my own...between lectures etc
I have gone into a club early before my friends have got there but I seem to meet people I know when I go in anyway so I'm not alone for long.
I would never go out alone at night, you just don't know who's around, alot rapes happen when someone goes or comes home from a club alone.
Reply 14
Pub I've gone on my own but that's just to watch the match and it's just down the road.
I would never go out alone at night, you just don't know who's around, alot rapes happen when someone goes or comes home from a club alone.

I wouldn't say the OP was thinking about it like that .. more like would you go to these places alone when they are usually seen as places that you would go with company.

You can still get raped if out with a friend.
Reply 16
I'm a bloke, so I guess safety isn't as important as with the girls.

Life is too short to waste rotting away at home...
Hey guys,

I was just wondering, how many of you would go out alone at night? To places such as the following...

1. Movies

2. Restaurant (both casual and more upmarket)

3. Pubs

4. Clubs

If you're gonna post something like 'omgliek onli losers go out alone', please don't bother.

1. yep
2. yep
3. yep
4. nope.

Where movies are cncerned id go on my own, if no one else wnated to see te film or there was no one to go with. Plus it saves arguments about what to see The resturant if im hungry il go. Pubs a nice quiet pub is a great place to go for a drink and to read a book, i love doing it in this pub in brum called bachus, its areally mellow gothic style pub, its brilliant to to relax and get away.
The club, i cant really see why you'd go on your own, i mean who you supposed to talk to you, and you cant sit there reading a book in a club without looking like some kind of wierd person

but why do you ask
All. Never been to a club by myself. I went movies myself before. I just couldn't sleep and ws getting very bored. I've never been to an up market resturant at all but see no problem with going alone. Been to pub myself before, usuallyjust want a drink and not get bothered.
I'm a bloke, so I guess safety isn't as important as with the girls.

Life is too short to waste rotting away at home...
