The Student Room Group
How heavy are you? Maybe 10 stone?

You do realise that doing pull-ups is like lifting a 10-stone weight and really isn't something you should be doing without first building up a lot of strength in your arms? Try lifting weights. Sensibly, though, please - don't forget how heavy you actually are.
I'm currently 17 and am not able to do a single proper pull up. i recently got a pull up bar fixed at home to practice.. how should i go about doing the pull ups. As in, is there a way for beginners to slowly get up to being able to do 5-10 pull ups from 0?

Do you have any dumbells/barbells or access to a gym? You're going to need to strengthen your lats & biceps and/or lose weight first. I used to have trouble doing pull ups, but now I can do 3X10 pronated and 3X10 supinated with a weight belt on (am working on being able to do one-arm pull-ups). Once you can do your first pull-up it'll get easier and easier.
Do you have any dumbells/barbells or access to a gym? You're going to need to strengthen your lats & biceps and/or lose weight first. I used to have trouble doing pull ups, but now I can do 3X10 pronated and 3X10 supinated with a weight belt on (am working on being able to do one-arm pull-ups). Once you can do your first pull-up it'll get easier and easier.

Consider taking some of your weight on a chair or something, so that you can make them possible and of suitable difficulty. Negatives would be an option too, jump up (or have someone push you up) then lower back down slowly.
I weigh 11 stones, i used to be able to do 3 pull ups before i started working out. Now after i have been working out for a while, and despite pull ups are not a regular part of my workout, i can do 15.

Just do push ups and use dumbells to build yourself up.
Reply 5
If you use a machine at the gym they tend to be able to counter weight you so that you can build up to lifting your own weight.

I'm nearly 14 stone and can rep about 10 before my arms can't take any more lol.
Reply 6
Do chins, they're easier.
Reply 7
Im 63kg and can do about 20. I think that it depends on your wieght as the above posters have said. You should start out at lower wieghts first.
Reply 8
Im over 95 kg, and in good shape, and i cant do many so dont worry about it. Just focus on other exercises you can do.
Reply 9
lol its part of my fitness test, and i can get A for everything except this stupid station.

I'm 72kg and 175cm. Sorry i dont really use stones here. Yeah so I should go gym first?

I've done the machine weights that look like pull ups(with me sitting down and pulling). I can only do up to 3 sets of 8reps with 50kg :frown:
Reply 10
lol its part of my fitness test, and i can get A for everything except this stupid station.

I'm 72kg and 175cm. Sorry i dont really use stones here. Yeah so I should go gym first?

I've done the machine weights that look like pull ups(with me sitting down and pulling). I can only do up to 3 sets of 8reps with 50kg :frown:

ah yeah, we had those at my last gym.

just keep building yourself up on it, im sure i olny lifted 60-something when i first started. after a few months i could do over 100 but not more than a couple of reps of it.
Reply 11
Work on deadlifts, rows and chins to help increase your pullups.
do dips as well you can use anything to help you. It is a bit easier too as you have your feet on the floor. I do 120 a day in sets of 30