The Student Room Group
Glucosamine. Daily.
Reply 2
I wouldn't think so, but it's nothing to worry about (unless it actually hurts when it clicks). I have clicky joints all the time. It's caused when you "open" your joint (say bend your knees) then sit still for a while. This causes the fluid in your joints to expand, lowering it's density so bubbles form inside it. When you move, these bubbles "pop", hence the noise and will eventually dissolve back into the fluid. This is why you can't click a joint twice quickly. If it does hurt when it clicks though, then I'd go see a GP. Joint problems tend to be more easily rectifiable if they're caught early rather than letting damage build up.
Reply 3
I wouldn't think so, but it's nothing to worry about (unless it actually hurts when it clicks). I have clicky joints all the time. It's caused when you "open" your joint (say bend your knees) then sit still for a while. This causes the fluid in your joints to expand, lowering it's density so bubbles form inside it. When you move, these bubbles "pop", hence the noise and will eventually dissolve back into the fluid. This is why you can't click a joint twice quickly. If it does hurt when it clicks though, then I'd go see a GP. Joint problems tend to be more easily rectifiable if they're caught early rather than letting damage build up.

Reply 4
Would cod liver oil make it better?

Yes! I had dodgy joints about 3 years ago and I started taking cod liver oil, and it's worked wonders for me. They still click a bit, but they don't hurt any more. Oh, and it has the added benefit of making you brainy, apparently. It can't do any harm, so give it a go.
Reply 5
Cod liver oil won't help IMO.

Glucosamine is the ticket.