The Student Room Group

Scholar's Gown

Hey - was wondering if anyone had a used scholars' gown for sale - looked on ebay and on that other random site where you can buy students' stuff but couldn't find any. But perhaps I'm just an idiot.

Alternatively, where is the best (cheapest!!) place to buy a scholars' gown in Oxford or are they all about the same price/quality?

Also, does anyone know that if you're given a scholarship for a distinction in Prelims you also get the money (£200 at Magdalen, I think) when you're on your year abroad?

Thanks for any info.

PS: If anyone's desperate, I have a fairly-battered commoners' gown for sale; or I might just give it to some fresher who I [take a shine to/convince to part with cash/shark]... :rolleyes:
Reply 1
I'm afraid I don't know the answer, but I have a similar question: Does anyone know if one can get scholarship/exhibitionership by getting a first in second year exams (that count towards finals), or does the first have to be in mods/prelims?
Reply 2
A lot of porter's lodges will have gowns for sale at the beginning of every academic year, so it's defo worth checking there. When I got mine, I bought it from that place with the double barrel name on the high street, and it was twice the price of a commoner's gown. Urg. But, Yttrium, aren't you on your year abroad next year anyway?

Oh, and with regard to the money, I have no idea. My £200 just comes straight off Battels, but, clearly, these don't exist on your year abroad. So I don't know, sadly. Again, urg.
Reply 3
A lot of porter's lodges will have gowns for sale at the beginning of every academic year, so it's defo worth checking there. When I got mine, I bought it from that place with the double barrel name on the high street, and it was twice the price of a commoner's gown. Urg. But, Yttrium, aren't you on your year abroad next year anyway?

Oh, and with regard to the money, I have no idea. My £200 just comes straight off Battels, but, clearly, these don't exist on your year abroad. So I don't know, sadly. Again, urg.

Jonny: I am indeed going on my year abroad next year and the whole question is pretty pointless really... but I reckoned I just *might* be able to crash the scholars' dinner at Magdalen which I reckon might be in Freshers' week or 1st before I leave for maximum sponging-cool-stuff-off-college-itude... we'll see...
Reply 4
but I reckoned I just *might* be able to crash the scholars' dinner at Magdalen which I reckon might be in Freshers' week or 1st before I leave...

The tutorial board need to meet first to make the decisions, then they need to get the invites out & have RSVP-ing time = it was 3rd last year.
Reply 5
The tutorial board need to meet first to make the decisions, then they need to get the invites out & have RSVP-ing time = it was 3rd last year.

boo hiss boo
Reply 6
Peter, I reckoned you were being slightly optimistic. Indeed, boo hiss boo. Though what really grates is I've lost mine. Urg. And, as you know, no-one EVER has a spare scholar's gown. Sag mal, gehst du ueberhaupt nuch Deutschland naechstes Jahr? Ich habe ehrlich keine Ahnung was eigentlich mit euch Ab-Initio-Russisch Studenten passiert. Das einzige, was mir klar ist, ist das Heather nicht in College sein wird. Freuest du dich darauf?

UND... Ich bin eben im Internet gewesen und habe auf deinem Facebook gesehen, dass du Schueler im Wells warst. Kennst du vielleicht Harriet Dillistone? Sie kommt naechstes Jahr nach Univ? Ist doch moeglich, obwohl sie mit 13 die Schule verlassen hat.

Urg. Probably all wrong. Urg.
Reply 7
Peter, I reckoned you were being slightly optimistic. Indeed, boo hiss boo. Though what really grates is I've lost mine. Urg. And, as you know, no-one EVER has a spare scholar's gown. Sag mal, gehst du ueberhaupt nuch Deutschland naechstes Jahr? Ich habe ehrlich keine Ahnung was eigentlich mit euch Ab-Initio-Russisch Studenten passiert. Das einzige, was mir klar ist, ist das Heather nicht in College sein wird. Freuest du dich darauf?

UND... Ich bin eben im Internet gewesen und habe auf deinem Facebook gesehen, dass du Schueler im Wells warst. Kennst du vielleicht Harriet Dillistone? Sie kommt naechstes Jahr nach Univ? Ist doch moeglich, obwohl sie mit 13 die Schule verlassen hat.

Urg. Probably all wrong. Urg.

No need for Urg. Except, perhaps for the first one - losing a gown sounds like a pain in the arse...

Und nee, ich geh naechstes Jahr nur nach Russland (na... hab doch Lust, irgendwann in den Ferien nachher in Deutschland zu arbeiten oder so was) - die Kursus dauert 8 Monate, und jeder, der Russisch ab initio macht, muss unbedingt dorthin fuer diese 8 Monate... Na, ich freue mich zwar schon darauf, wuerde aber auch sehr gern noch ein Jahr in Oxford verbringen... hab ja schon auch etwas Angst vor dem Leben dort...

Jo, ich war an der Wells Cathedral School und kenne schon Harriet; sie war in meiner Stufe, ging aber zu einer anderen Oberstufe - hab leider keinen Kontakt mehr mit ihr und wusste ueberhaupt nicht, dass sie tatsaechlich naechstes Jahr nach Oxford kommt... was studiert sie denn? (sie war ja immer die Top-Schuelerin in fast allen Faechern...macht sie dann Classics? Oder wieso kennst du denn sie?) Ist na jedenfalls eine gute Nachricht!

PS: bist du nicht mehr an Facebook oder bin ich einfach bloed?
Reply 8
Ja, sie ist mit mir in die Oberstufe gewesen, und wird Egyptology studieren. Hmmm.

Und ich bin schon im Facebook, du musst aber fuer Jesus suchen; werd' ich irgendwann mal spaeter erklaeren. Und wann fliegst du ab? TATSAECHLICH flieg' ich auch am vierten September fuer zehn Tage nach Russland, besonders nach St. Petersburg und Moscow (heisst doch etwas anders auf Deutsch...), aber kann mich nur am wenigen Russischen Woerter erinnern. Ist aber schade.
Reply 9
Whats the history of the commoners' gown? I recently visited a friend and was quite shocked at how little of it there was. I assume Oxonians know that Cambridge undergrad gown is far more similar to the Oxford Scholars gown. Also has Oxford always had a universal gown or did some colleges once have their own gown patter?
Ja, sie ist mit mir in die Oberstufe gewesen, und wird Egyptology studieren. Hmmm.

Und ich bin schon im Facebook, du musst aber fuer Jesus suchen; werd' ich irgendwann mal spaeter erklaeren. Und wann fliegst du ab? TATSAECHLICH flieg' ich auch am vierten September fuer zehn Tage nach Russland, besonders nach St. Petersburg und Moscow (heisst doch etwas anders auf Deutsch...), aber kann mich nur am wenigen Russischen Woerter erinnern. Ist aber schade.

off-topic, but are you two studying german or from Germany? just curious

(heisst doch etwas anders auf Deutsch...),
it's Moskau in german :smile:
Reply 11
"Jesus": Hey - it's cool that you know Harriet and that you're going to Russia - am dead jealous. I, meanwhile, am packing Christmas cards (in August, remember) at a warehouse in rural Somerset. Result.

JHutcher: Yeah, Oxford commoners' gowns are stupid. Unfortunately I'm too stupid to answer your other gown-related questions.

Charlotte: I'm fairly sure (although not entirely certain) that bigjcool isn't German. I'm even surer that I'm not. We're both, however, studying it (he does it with Classics, I do it with Russian). So we're cool.
"I'm even surer that I'm not. We're both, however, studying it (he does it with Classics, I do it with Russian). So we're cool.

lol :wink:

but it's really cool, although I can't imagine why anybody would want to learn this language :wink:
Reply 13
my freshers pack had like 3 different gown stores to choose from and the prices were all almost exactly the same, so how does one choose
Reply 14
Mr. Pink
my freshers pack had like 3 different gown stores to choose from and the prices were all almost exactly the same, so how does one choose

Erm... pick whichever you like.

Personally, I chose Shepherd and Woodward but their gown was horrible and dusty and creasy and yuk. So perhaps don't pick them. If Ede & R are in your offer thing, then they're supposed to be good. Or the OUSU deal. Whatever, really...
Reply 15
Mr. Pink
my freshers pack had like 3 different gown stores to choose from and the prices were all almost exactly the same, so how does one choose

the stores offer two different sets of formal wear, should I go for the motar or the cap?????
Reply 16
i'd go for mortar, virtually no one wears a cap (at least i've never seen anyone with one).
I've used Shephard, it does not look that fantastic quality
I have a scholars gown for sale. If you are still interested you can find me on face book or email me jenniferhaleytoadhall@
I'd be surprised if they still needed it ten years later.