The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
hiya, i havent been either, but I'v been put in block D. Wasn't my first choice, but it looks like a really nice place. 1 minus on the distance from the uni, but what's a little bus journey here n there??? Was gutted when I didnt get my first choice, but should be good there i guess. Cant wait:biggrin:
Reply 2

i just got oxley instead of what i initially applied for, seems pretty far away from anything ha but ah well.

in in block C, it seems good just the rooms don't look as good as some of the others and the photos look as if the shower is over the toilet?! fun fun fun!! xx
Reply 3
ive got into bardon grange at oxley, ive got no idea what its like on the inside :s hopefully its nice
Is anyone else is the main house? I am so excited, it is so pretty and full of character :smile: x
Reply 5
I applied for oxley but still havn't heard if iv'e got the place yet. How did you all find out?
Check your junk folder, loads of emails have been stuck there. Also I think if it was your insurance choice it takes a bit longer :| x
Reply 7
Check your junk folder, loads of emails have been stuck there. Also I think if it was your insurance choice it takes a bit longer :| x

Thanks for that, It was in my junk mail, got a place there in block G! lucky you told me. I would have lost my place there in 5 days! so thanks again :smile:
Reply 8
ive got into bardon grange at oxley, ive got no idea what its like on the inside :s hopefully its nice

Some of Bardon's rooms are massive. I mean disgustingly big, with a double bed in the middle looking lost. The girls I know who had the big rooms had to go out and buy inflatable sofas and lamps just to fill the area in. The majority of rooms there are doubles and big (but not all). They also have a common room so it has a nice communal feel. That said though, it can feel a bit cut off from the rest of Oxley.
got block C also, room 1.12. really looking forward to this year, was hoping for Devonshire but liked Oxley. And we have a free gym :smile:
i'm block E! :biggrin:
Reply 11
8 days till we can move in:gasp:

Will most people move in as soon as possible? Don't want to be there all on my tod..................
Reply 12
Some of Bardon's rooms are massive. I mean disgustingly big, with a double bed in the middle looking lost. The girls I know who had the big rooms had to go out and buy inflatable sofas and lamps just to fill the area in. The majority of rooms there are doubles and big (but not all). They also have a common room so it has a nice communal feel. That said though, it can feel a bit cut off from the rest of Oxley.

im in one of the few rooms without a double bed, thanks for the warning i will come prepared with extra furnature lol
Reply 13
im in one of the few rooms without a double bed, thanks for the warning i will come prepared with extra furnature lol

I might have been wrong that the majority were doubles, but I saw inside 4 bedrooms, 3 of which had doubles. I think that it depends which floor you're on :smile:
Reply 14
I might have been wrong that the majority were doubles, but I saw inside 4 bedrooms, 3 of which had doubles. I think that it depends which floor you're on :smile:

you are right most of them are double beds rooms 1-4, 6-9, and 12-13 all have double beds, im not in one of those rooms :frown:
Reply 15
I'm hoping to come to oxley next year, well excited, currently doing my app. form.
Is it as good as it sounds? x
Reply 16
oh, and what're the kitchens like in oxley? i cant find any pictures :smile: xx
hiya, i havent been either, but I'v been put in block D. Wasn't my first choice, but it looks like a really nice place. 1 minus on the distance from the uni, but what's a little bus journey here n there??? Was gutted when I didnt get my first choice, but should be good there i guess. Cant wait:biggrin:

I'm also in block D!
Reply 18
Depends whether you're in the house or ensuite, the ensuite's are an average size for 5 people, but the house's cater for about 10 people don't they? There's a seating area in the big ones.
Overall, they're just uni kitchens, the same as the rest.
Reply 19
I'm in Block F but cant seem to find anyone else that is!