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I don't know what you really expect us to say to that.

The most I can say is that it must be horrible, that I have no idea what you are going through but am sure there are people that you can talk to.
Reply 2
I don't know what you really expect us to say to that.

Someone once got rid of HIV, but that was one in a million. Don't really know what to say except really really **** luck. :dong:
Reply 4
Are you male or female?
Reply 5
Are you male or female?

Reply 6
What can I say, I'm exceptionally sorry.

Luckily, HAART can slow the progress of the illness down considerably. Just try to live a normal life, as difficult as that may appear to be.
Reply 7
have you told anyone?
*offers huggles*

Nowt more I can do for you, I am afraid. Truly sorry to hear this :frown:
Reply 9
Keep your hopes up, with all the money and millions of man hours spent on researching HIV I'm surely they'll find a cure.
Have you told your close family / friends? I'm sure they'll help you, offer support through this so you won't have to deal with it alone. Am truly sorry for you *hug* ;rose;
I'm really sorry to hear that - I realise it must be mind numming.

you must remember that this diagnosis does not preclude you from having a long and healthy life - Chris Smith, an ex-cabinet member, has HIV. Treatment for HIV has improved dramatically since the illness was first discovered. There will be many many sites on the internet that will provide support for you - use them. In the meantime, my heart goes out to you.
Reply 12
how about the lighthouse people?
12-10pm mon-sun

0207 242 1010
Its really depressing. sorry to hear that.
Reply 14
im sorry to hear that! i think you should tell your friends/family as soon as you can, they may be able to help
just try your best to live a normal life, have the support from your friends an family. Iam sure theyll help you a lot and also the websites where you can meet simalar young people who have come to terms with it an you could talk to them and your not alone so try to talk to them and your friends are the best support you could ever get
OP - I can imagine this news must be very, very hard to take in but as I'm sure the doctor explained to you can still have a long life. When you do need the anti retrovirals as long as you take them as prescribed they are very effective. A lot patients manage to achieve having a viral load that is undetectable.
Reply 17
Please don't let this discovery stop you from living a completely normal life. As many of the posts state, researchers are constantly coming closer to a cure. All the best
This must have been a massive shock for you, have you told your parents yet? you will need lots of love and support to help you through, i wish there was somthing i could say to make it better. *hug*
I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm just out of a relationship where we had unprotected sex and my boyfriend lied to me about his previous sexual contacts, so I'm at the moment waiting for the results of the battery of tests including HIV I had done this week. I cannot imagine how I'd feel if my test came back positive! Try and talk to people who live with the virus and as has been said already, things have moved on since the 80s when it was a death sentence. Enjoy life and consider the retroviral treatment the same way you'd consider insulin if you were diabetic, or inhalers if you had asthma, i.e. I have an illness, tough, this is the treatment and I will get on with life despite it.

Hope some of our messages make you feel a bit better.