The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Oooh, body language studies, I love these! Ok here we go - check out these sites

Quite interesting reading material.....
Reply 2
its different depending on the girl but i would say:
if she seems a little shy around you or like she's trying to impress you,
if maybe she doesn't keep eye contact
or talks about things that relate to finding out things about you or what you have done mean she probably likes you.

the main one is if she wants to find out more about you then she's probably interested!! :biggrin:

hope this helps :redface:
Wait until she's fellating you. If she raises her left eyebrow when you come, she fancies you. If she raises her right eyebrow, she doesn't care for you that much.
Reply 4
What if she reaises both. Is she indifferent then?
What if she reaises both. Is she indifferent then?

Either that or you've been taking zinc supplements...
Reply 6
Either that or you've been taking zinc supplements...

or shes had botox
Or you've forgotten to put some trousers on.
Or you've forgotten to put some trousers on.

unlikely, unless you're a perve:rolleyes:
Reply 9
If she asks you out that could be a sign. Or it's just her and her mates taking the piss out of you.
Reply 10
This has been done many many times before, please do a search.