The Student Room Group

Martial Arts in Huddersfield

Looks like theres a few of us into MA so here is what I've found so far in Huddersfield.

Jui Jitsu
What it is: A Japanese grappling/throwing Art involving hitting the deck repeatedly, locks, holds, throws and the occasional punch or kick.
Where it is: In the Uni sports hall
When it is: Tuesday 7:00PM -> 9:00PM / Saturday 2:00PM -> 4:00PM
Cost: £2.50 per class or 5 @ £10 (though I could be mistaken!)
Competition? I am guessing as part of the BUSA.
Contact: Will Meehan
Links: Ju Jitsu Wiki Jitsu Foundation Huddersfield Jitsu Club

Tae Kwon Do
What it is: A Korean unarmed combat system, mainly using the fists and feet and with jumping kicks
Where it is: In the Uni sports hall
When it is: Wednesdays 5-7pm (sports hall), Mondays 7-9pm at the YMCA in Milnsbridge
Cost: £2.50 per class or 5 @ £10 (though I could be mistaken!)
Competition? I am guessing as part of the BUSA, possibly within the ITF
Contact: Jenny Wright (sorry, cant find an email)
Links: TKD Wiki UHSU clubs link

Wing Chun Martial Arts Society
What it is: "A close combat Chinese martial arts system suitable for both men and women."
Where it is: Canalside West room CWG/01.
When it is: Wednesdays at 6pm till 8pm
Cost: Dont know, sorry
Competition? No idea
Contact: Matt Burns (07921264235)
Links: Wing Chun Wiki UHSU clubs link

Fencing Club
What it is: "fencing is the art and science of armed combat involving cutting, stabbing or bludgeoning weapons directly manipulated by hand, rather than shot or thrown"
Where it is: Dunno
When it is: Dunno
Cost: Dunno
Competition? Probably some
Contact: Sean
Links: UHSU Clubs link Fencing Wiki

What it is: A Filipino art emphasizing stick and knife work
Where it is: Polish Church Hall, 88 Lower Fitzwilliam street. Huddersfield Town Centre, HD1 5BB
When it is: 7-8pm Monday
Cost: £4/session
Competition? Guessing in the WEKAF (World Eskrima, Kali and Arnis Federation)
Contact: Rebecca Kane
Links: Eskrima Wiki

Tang Soo Do
What it is: Think "Korean Karate" - the Pyung Ahn Hyungs (Peace & Harmony forms) are pretty much the Shotokan Karate Heian kata.
Where it is: Huddersfield Sports Center, HD1 1TW
When it is: Monday 6:30-8pm, Saturday 3:30-6:30pm
Cost: Dunno
Competition? Dunno
Contact: None (that I can find)
Links: UK TSD Federation TSD Wiki

Those are what I've found so far. There will definately be more in the area, just finding them and seeing if they look canny enough thats the hard part.
Reply 1
I think I might be up for trying Eskrima. I've always wanted to try it after watching a program about it on The Discovery Channel.
Reply 2
Thats the main one that I will be giving a shot, with JJ being second. Being a karateka I want to work the other areas of my fight - close in and weapons.

There is a lad I know on another site who is 1st degree black belt in Eskrima who will be starting the Uni with us (doing Business Management) and will apparently be heading to Rebecca's club so we can just follow him (if I find him!) :biggrin:
Reply 3
i mite give eskrima or fencin a try - had bad experience with ju-jitsu:thumpdown so certainly not goin bak 2 that
Reply 4
Ok, got some hindsight experience now of a couple of those listed.

Eskrima - checked it out Monday night. Only 4 of us there, of which two were instructors. Some basic stick work, but there was also some focus pad work. Low turn-out might be a bad sign, so I think I will check it out again next week to see if anyone else shows up, but I might not stay the time there.

Jitsu - 2 free pints at Warehouse after training on a Tuesday night (as I've just discovered) and free food somewhere on a Saturday. Need I say more? :biggrin:
Reply 5
to be fair id be looking for which was a good lesson, rather than food and drink
Reply 6
I just started going to rebecca s classes a couple of weeks ago and can say they were amazing!! The numbers are small cause she only set club up this year and she hasn't advertised except for student emails.

Ive never done martial arts before but i go to the empty hand class at 8pm - 9pm not the weapons one there are a couple of guys that go there who have trained for years at other clubs around the country one of em must be double her age so she must be good for them to want to learn from her..

I'm not really into free food and drink it kinda cheapens the class for me cause to me they can't be that good if they are having to give away stuff that costs more than the lesson fee just to get you to go!! With all the Press ups and sit ups i get in class i will get a free six that is one result i am looking forward to.:biggrin:
Reply 7
I have just returned from a pretty big competition with the Jitsu club (967 people there apparently). Knackered after being on the go from 4:30 yesterday morning until 1:30 this morning then 7:30 this morning until getting in around 15 minutes ago.

Bloody good weekend like, and my joints will not be happy tomorrow after all those wrist and arm locks :biggrin:
Reply 8
Thats a lot of people for a beginners competition! It must have taken three days to get though all them fights. How long are the fights?
Reply 9
I really enjoy the way the Kombat Karate has been structured. It's not all the hiya, hiya yelling, it's more conventional, but still focused. The classes are growing (2-5 people for the 8-9pm classes monday), proper club tops are underway for both men and women, more and more equipment is being bought, and we've got a very experienced instructor. I encourage you guys interested in Karate to try it out!
Reply 10
flaps - I think there was over a dozen areas on the go for us novices. We had to fight in a square (people attacking in a set order) and in a gauntlet (random order), so there was no set time limit.

Took ages to get through everyone though, especially as we were only competing on the afternoons (training on the mornings).
Reply 11
So no medals or trophies then? just random fights? thats really odd. doesnt sound very 'Organised' sounds more like a fun day. Didnt they have a gauntlet on Gladiators the tv show? That sounds kewl but with the competition and all arn't you going off the point about the actual classes?

I think it should be a seperate thread maybee about competitions or fun days for students.
Reply 12
Medals for those who got placed. I dont think I explained it all very well.

Put into groups on various parts of the mat for the first round. Four people in a square with one person in the middle. People around the outside attack with certain attacks (either a grab/hold or punch) in order, while the person in the middle defends. A panel of high grades marks that person until they have seen enough. Person in the middle bows out, another person is called into the middle and does the same. When the square is finished, we move onto the gauntlet.

In the gauntlet, theres simply two lines of attackers who can attack with punches, grabs or bottles when the defender walks down the middle a few times. The attackers can attack at will as long as they are in sight of the defender (no attacking from behind). When the panel decide they have seen enough, the defender bows out and the next person is up. After everyone has been up, the panel decide who are in the next round.

For the grades, the square is replaced with a V (controlled by a high grade). In the V, one person stands in front (facing the V) while the high grade sends attackers armed with anything from a punch to a wooden sword or chain at them. Whoever the panel thinks are the best go through to the next round.

Its very well organised, and it needs to be with nearly 1000 of us on the mat at certain times.
Reply 13
Sounds very complicated for a competition!

I think I will train until I am ready and then enter some kickboxing competitions as the Kombat is affiliated to AMA, WAKO, and BNMAA. I think there is more scope for actual title fights where i could get a UK or World or European Ranking.

I have looked at the white belt sylabus for Kombat and we have to do similar stuff multiple attacks and defences against weapons and punches.

i asked about Eskrima oon monday and my instructor said that the word actually just means two people training together.

Filipino martial arts or arnis is the artform so i looked it up on internet

Im really excited about learning more of this stuff!

I think it may be a while though before i go to the Arnis class thats on at 7pm - 8pm i think i would get information overload if i did them both!
Reply 14
Just a quick note on the 'free' food and drinks given away by the jiu jitsu club.

They are not given away by the club but by The Warehouse who sponsor the club. People join and stay in the club because they are enjoying the training they get on the mat, any club which does not offer good training will never grow or become successful.

The reason they agreed to this is because the club has built a very good reputation within both the University and local area as being a friendly and well organised group.
Reply 15
Even if they dont show up half the time - e.g. me :-P

I will get my rear back to Jitsu, Sensei, but it will be after I've regained my knowledge of punching and kicking people instead of throwing them over Chrimbo :wink: :smile:
Reply 16
Even if they dont show up half the time - e.g. me :-P

I will get my rear back to Jitsu, Sensei, but it will be after I've regained my knowledge of punching and kicking people instead of throwing them over Chrimbo :wink: :smile:

Good to hear, have a great Christmas and Ill see you in the New Year! :smile:
Reply 17
Just a quick note on the 'free' food and drinks given away by the jiu jitsu club.

People join and stay in the club because they are enjoying the training they get on the mat, any club which does not offer good training will never grow or become successful.

WELL I REALLY enjoy the training I get on the mat, I always end up sweating buckets too! its a new club and headed by a 5 times world champ....I can't find more successful that that in Hudds!!

Sorry Bex Club wins it for me!!
Huddersfield I bring thee good news!! We have organised a coach to the SENI07 Martial Arts Show at the London Excel.

Making it easier, cheaper, safer and more accessible to get to, into and home from the show.

Not only is travelling by coach safer, more comfortable, easier and more relaxed than travelling by train or car; but by travelling with other people who share the similar interest, its a great way to meet, interact and network with new people.

Plus for one full coach, we take off between 12-50 cars off the road, so its great on fuel and better for the environment.

The day
The coach will be picking up at convenient times and locations and will stay for the entire duration of the day, right to the end of the show; plus with fully exec coaches, you can make full use of the huge storage capacity under the coach for any shopping or equipment you may buy on the day.

Where from?
The coaches will be picking up NATIONWIDE

Special offer
As a martial arts school, we are giving away one free seat and entry with each group booking of 12.

More info
For more info on the show visit:

To book your tickets visit: (you can also find the link via the official Seni website).
Or call us on 01903 243 489.

Please note that bookings must be made by 10 May.

Enjoy it!!