The Student Room Group


i was at a party last night. and there was this guy there from my school. i have never talked to him before. he had been drinking plenty already.
we sat around these couches on a terrace and my (new) handbag with my (new) phone and (new) silk scarf were on the couch next to me. and he takes them and like dumps them behind the couch on the terrace in the rain. so i get pissed off and tell him to give me them back and all. he refuses and was all like smiling and humoring me cuz it was really pissing me off. (i couldt walk and get them cuz the table was blocking the way. we insulted eachother back and forth and then sudenly out of nowhere he hits my face. super hard. and my neck like whips back and cracks. i get pissed off and yes i did slap him back, but being a girl, i didnt do it super hard. so the next thing i know is he has slapped me back called me a bitch and like pinched/hit my leg really hard. i have scratchs and bruises in the shape of a hand on my thigh. they hurt soo much. i was so shocked i was stunned and didnt realize all of what was happening. so my friend got my stuff back and got me a few drinks and i mellowed out and was okay for the rest of the night.
this morning when i got up i saw themark and i nearly passed out.i cant move my leg or my neck. im in pain and im so horrified and insulted. it was just a pure act of agression, not of something sexual or something.

i dunno what to do. do i confront him? and if i do what do i say?
do i tell my parents? do i tell the school councelor (cuz i know he has councellinglessons with him anyways)?

anything would help

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Reply 1
Tell your parents and press charges for assault. Then start hanging around with nicer people.
Reply 2
well you could tell your parents for a start, why wouldnt you? unless your parents didnt know you were at the party. I dunno about telling the school because it was at a party, which isnt the school's responsibility. But tell your parents and discuss it with them.
Reply 3
yh id deffo press charges, for the good of all the other people he may assault for no reason
Reply 4
i dont want to worry my parents. i have the feeling they would completely overreact and not let me out or something.
it happend at a wedding anniversairy of my best friends parents. i dont hang out with people like that normally.
Reply 5
involve the police right away, you can not let him get away with this sort of behaviour. I am shocked and so disgusted that a male would treat a female this way.
Reply 6
i dont want to worry my parents. i have the feeling they would completely overreact and not let me out or something.
it happend at a wedding anniversairy of my best friends parents. i dont hang out with people like that normally.

maybe you are still in shock or something, but this is a very serious incident you HAVE to inform your parents and get help. You cant ignore something like this, i know its hard and you dont want to worry you parents but honestly they need you know.
Reply 7
This guy is sick, obviously. Tell everybody about him.
Reply 8
isnt involving the police a bit too extreme?
how would i go about it??
what would i say? what would happen if i did?
i dont want too much hassel...
Reply 9
take fotos of the marks now, even if u dont end up telling the police, you mite so take them. if u want to involve them go down to your local police station 2moro and say that you want to report an assault, as for it being too much hassel i think i have a duty to stop him being a dick 2 anyone else. how bad wud u feel if u found out in a couple of months that he got into an argument with someone else. u know how much he hurt you, he could do that to someone else or do worse, could you bear to have that on your conscience
Reply 10
What an arsehole.

& No, it's not too extreme to involve the police. It was an assault. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with something like that.
Reply 11
This guy is sick, obviously. Tell everybody about him.

im already planning to ruin his reputation at school. as mean as it sounds.
im getting all of my friends to tell everyone.
hes going down either way and i wantthe whole school to know.
ruins his party rep. no one will want to hang with him. its mean but he doesnt deserve a social life in my opinion.
Reply 12
it would never be too much hassle- thats what they're there for
Reply 13
i took pictures.
thanks for the idea.
you guys are great
if someone were to go to the police? would they keep it as a record?
maybe shes afraid it be on a record and is embarassed about it.
i know id be.
Overreating? Assault is against the law. From your post, if you're being honest he attacked you. Of course you should tell your parents and get the police involved. The more overreated your parents get the better.
if someone were to go to the police? would they keep it as a record?
maybe shes afraid it be on a record and is embarassed about it.
i know id be.

They'd take a statement, keep a record of the statement but you don't have to press charges.
Reply 17
its so embarassing!
i feel so weak and useless cuz of it.
im just so shy and afraid of whatwould happen..
So report him. Why should he get away with making you feel like this?
tell you parents and go to the police, i know he was drunk but thats still no excuse NO man should EVER hit a woman! did no one come over to help? i would have done! He's an absolute coward!