The Student Room Group

Weird girl.

So I see this girl in town the other day, like months after having not seen her once since college ended.

So anyway, I'm walking out of this store, when I see her, and then I put my earphone in my ear and hope she doesn't notice me. She see's me, smiles, stops and goes, overly enthusiastic and eager, 'HELLO!' and I just kind of go, 'Hi,' and walk past.

I looked back, and she kind of stands there, looking offended, like she wanted to talk but I kind of ignored her. And I'm thinking, 'crap, I messed that up.'

So when I get home I add her on MSN. Only to find out the next day she rejected my MSN request (AMSN).

What the hell? That's kind of weird, considering how eager she was to talk to me before. She's been like that in college. Then she just rejects my MSN request?

(Oh yeah I'm annonymous because she roams these boards.)

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Reply 1
mayb she was so offended at your reaction she didnt want 2 talk 2 u online
Reply 2
Ya you were pretty rude. If you didn't want to chat you should have said 'Sorry but I'm busy.'

I mean it was hardly a passing hello. As you said, she stood there waiting for more convo.
Reply 3
Its hardly a weird reaction is it. If I was wanting to talk to someone and they just said Hi and walked off I'd be pretty annoyed as well.
Reply 4
ur right u messed up
Reply 5
if u werent close to this girl then why should she feel offended? what has she got to talk to u about. she sounds a bit odd.
Reply 6
Yeah exactly.

I hardly know her. I confused her name with that of another girls once. We have this after-college cirriculum thing, but it's only once a week, and I don't know her well at all.

The only thing about her that sticks is that she's the cousin of the girl I'm madly infatuated with. In fact, that's probably the main reason I'm annoyed (if you can say that) she rejected me.

She may as well get used to me, since I'm going to marry her cousin.

Maybe not.

(Oh yeah, her cousin absolutely hates me.)
She's probably still eager to talk to you deep down, but on the surface of her emotions, she's probably annoyed at you for not being tremendously sociable. I'd either make efforts at an apology quite soon, or wait and see if she starts behaving more normally. Either way, I reckon you should apologise at some point.
Reply 8
if your so unintested...why did u want to add her anyway?
Reply 9
Dullest thread ever? Quite probably.
Reply 10
jeez, insecure OP. She obviously likes you; hence wants to start a conversation. :rolleyes:
eeer girls dont have to like you to try and talk to you...we dont always need an ulterior (sp?) motive
Reply 12
that was rude of you to just walk passed and maybe she was annoyed at you
OP needs to learn people skills. Always talk to a girl in the street if she says hi. Unless she's like the other side of the road, and its busy.
Send her an e-mail apologising for being anti-social and say you were just feeling tired or something, and ask if she still wants to talk to add you to msn.
Reply 15
Forget that. I'm not adding her again, nor am I going to request to be added.

I was doing her a favour, see.
I was doing her a favour, see.
I was going to suggest you move on, but with that attitude, you'll be eternally moving on anyway. Enjoy dating your right hand.
Reply 17
I use my left.
Reply 18
eeer girls dont have to like you to try and talk to you...we dont always need an ulterior (sp?) motive


You do.
Reply 19
i don't see why you were trying to ignore her anyway..were you playing like "me cool dude" hard to get typa guy

where did you get her email add if you don't know her

admit it you so want her on your msn, actually it's driving you mad and you can't stop thinking about her rejecting you, that you so want her to make the next move and add you, so in return you can reject her.....................hahahaha

you take rejection badly send her an email and say "hi, nice to see you other day was havin a bad day (or sumat like that), but you looked pretty damn hot *wink* (never mind that i fancy the pants of your cuz)".......................lmao