The Student Room Group
I hear Preparation H is meant to work... but then again I only hear that because it serves as a much overused joke, e.g. in Austin Powers movies. :p:

Also, never, ever make a pun again. :p:
Anusol ointment is really good. I had them for years, god damn pain in the arse.

Some advice..

DONT eat peanuts.

A splash of cold water is bliss when they get really bad. (All to do with vasoconstriction)

Buy some of that moist toilet paper (the regular stuff feels like sandpaper- but you'll know that already)

Use the suppositories at night time.

Don't take laxatives, however tempting it is. It stings like a bitch.

Hope this helps.
Reply 3
You had them for years? :O

Can they not be cured?
Reply 4
Nope they can't be cured, if they stay and trouble you a lot you'll need surgery.
Reply 5
Oh man :frown: :frown:

Does this mean I'll have to medicate it for the rest of my life?!
Reply 6
surgery? how can they remove a chunk of your @rse?
Reply 7

can anyone suggest how to get rid of hemorroids?

Google Says
Reply 8
Oh man :frown: :frown:

Does this mean I'll have to medicate it for the rest of my life?!

If it is a mild case then sometimes they can go by themselves. If they bleed and are constant pain go to your GP.
Reply 9
Don't try to force yourself to use the bathroom (or push too hard), but eat plenty of fiber and drink lots of water.

Laxatives or stool softener are probably bad ideas...they're frequently harsh.

Also, make sure you're getting enough exercise...that helps.

I hear you, they suck really hard.

Good luck!
Oh man :frown: :frown:

Does this mean I'll have to medicate it for the rest of my life?!

Nope, most cases of hemorrhoids disappear relatively quickly with minimal treatment. Get down to the chemist and ask for Germaloids cream. Couple that with warm baths and gentle compression and they'll probably clear themselves quite quickly. Can't say that I speak from personal experience; only what family have told me!