i don't agree that it is a total waste of time, the OP obviously feels stressted and confused by her parents, unless you are in the same position you would not understand.
To the OP: i too am in the exactly same position, i am an only child, am 19 and have ended up being controlled by my parents. I start uni this year and have also been TOLD i have to live at home and commutte the 1.30to uni each way.
People who say just talk to your parents do not understand how hard it is to do, because when you mention something they have this horrible way of making you feel sooooooooo guilty you take everything back.
My suggestion is to make the most of college while you are there don't think about your parents so much and just think so what i have to live at home but it does not mean i have to come home early every night, some night you could stop with friends.
Make as much of an effort at uni to do things that keep you out of the house then they might realise you have to live YOUR LIFE, not theirs.