The Student Room Group
The law ball and any social events are cheaper, I think on the law ball you save quite a bit. (Last year it was at the prestigious Dorchester hotel on Park Lane!)
Reply 2
Yeh, I joined and paid the subscription for 3 Years!
Yeah I got the 3 year membership last year...its pretty useless tbh...I only save on teh law ball (70 pounds for members, 110 pounds for non)
Reply 4
Wild Thing
Yeah I got the 3 year membership last year...its pretty useless tbh...I only save on teh law ball (70 pounds for members, 110 pounds for non)

What about mooting career workshops etc, surly that is worth the price of membership
Not really, they usually just choose 2 people for them anyways...just join the Bar society and get the same for 10 pounds a year!
Reply 6
too late now! god im pissed off, i paid them 55 quid! how would i go about joining the bar society?
Erm you go to freshers floor there´ll be the kcl law soc and bar soc...its 10 pounds

Well 55 is ok i guess..if you go to the law ball each year then its a good investment coz youd be saving about 50 quid! And if youre really good theyll take you...

And Im probably running for president of the bar soc this year :eek:
Reply 8
Is the law society meant to be for aspiring soliciters then! s*it I want to join th bar....
on the whole, lawsoc has been pretty useless last year bar one or two good events with plenty of money behind the bar- v expensive drinks at v expensive places for free! on the flipside, the sports side of things was useless and most events seemed to be at more exclusive/expensive (therefore pretentious) clubs

To be honest, it only really becomes useful in your 2nd/3rd year with the networking opportunites/tc workshops/vac scheme workshops etc. it comes down to the effectiveness of the committee and luckily this year's looks a lot more on the ball than last years...
Reply 10
Is the law society more for aspiring solicitors? I think il be better off joining the bar society instead.
kidney thief
on the whole, lawsoc has been pretty useless last year bar one or two good events with plenty of money behind the bar- v expensive drinks at v expensive places for free! on the flipside, the sports side of things was useless and most events seemed to be at more exclusive/expensive (therefore pretentious) clubs

Alex and Natalie were running the show, what did you expect? :smile:
So what's the difference btw lawsoc and bar soc?
Got the membership and probably will join in the end for all three years, even though it seems there are only a few perks for the first year
Reply 14
heyy..about the law society..a friend of mine at Kings told me its better to join at Freshers fair as there are a lot of clubs are socs there and its just better to do it in person :smile: