The Student Room Group


Um...well i went onto a chatroom and met this guy and fell in love with him. I got his msn address and his number and we talk all the time. I told him i love him and he wants to be with me. The only thing is that he lives miles away. I know he is totaly genuine and that he really wants to be with me. He is the nicest guy i have ever met. HELP!!! I don't know what to do!!!!!!:confused:

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Reply 1
Let me guess, 12? 13?
The nicest guy you've (n)ever met, yeah?

How old are you? How old is he?
Reply 3
If you do meet hium, follow all the normal rules. Tell lots of people and meet in a public place.
Reply 4
Right if your going to patronise me then i'm not going to bother. I am 14 and this guy is nearly 18
Reply 5
Right if your going to patronise me then i'm not going to bother. I am 14 and this guy is nearly 18

:eek: is all that needs to be said
Reply 6
And yeh if i was ever to meet him i would be careful
Reply 7
Yeh right thanks. Like everyone says your too young!!
Reply 8
In that case this guy is seriously messed up.
Reply 9


Yeh right thanks. Like everyone says your too young!!

Everyone says it because it's true, not because they're out to piss on your parade.

He might be lovely etc, but he's 18 and if he's spending his time in internet chat rooms telling 14 year old girls that he loves them there's an outside chance he's not especially well adjusted.

Besides, he will probably be going off to Uni/prison or getting a job. You are about two years away from taking your GCSEs.

It sounds patronising I know, but you don't know what love is (even though you will wildly protest against this and tell me that you do and that you love him etc). Do your parents know? I'm guessing not...
Right if your going to patronise me then i'm not going to bother. I am 14 and this guy is nearly 18

You sound like jailbait. "14'll get you 20."
Yeh right thanks. Like everyone says your too young!!

It's true though. You've never met him. You fell in love with him without ever seeing him or speaking to him. A lot of people are more friendly online than they are in real life. Don't assume he's the nicest guy in the world - for all you know (and from my experiences of 14-year-old boys), all the other guys you might have met before are probably just absolute ********s. :p: Besides, between the ages of 13-16(ish) your tastes will change so much that I guarantee you, even if he seems like the nicest guy in the world now, by the time you hit 16 you will regret ever feeling this way with an embarrassed shame.

But don't worry. We've all gone through being young. You'll grow old and patronising like us one day. :biggrin: (Old, pff, I'm 17 and I already feel old. :frown:)
Besides, he will probably be going off to Uni/prison or getting a job.

Maybe you should start watching Neighbours, and follow the example of the lovely Rachel Kinski.

Forget Stingray, he's probably just a hufter anyway; you will find your own Garrett Burns.
Tonight Matthew
Maybe you should start watching Neighbours, and follow the example of the lovely Rachel Kinski.

Forget Stingray, he's probably just a hufter anyway; you will find your own Garrett Burns.

Is this some sort of 'in' joke?
Firstly, more likely prison. You are too young. Its hard but we have all been there. Hormones take over and twist your mind. You will however get over it.
I wonder why people are so blind to the truth? When I was 14 I believed it without people telling me that I was a hormonal wreck. :p: Most teenagers get offended at the obvious truth... then 6 months later they feel so embarrassed for ever fancying someone that they swear they'll never do it again, then they do it again, and put up yet another fight. :confused: It's strange.
Is this some sort of 'in' joke?

If being 'in' requires watching BBC1 at either 1.40 or 5.35, yes.
Tonight Matthew
If being 'in' requires watching BBC1 at either 1.40 or 5.35, yes.

I see.

I'm 'out'.