The Student Room Group

Cwrt Mawr!!!


Thought id drop a note to see if anyone is staying in cwrt mawr from sept?!

i am so if uve stayed there let me no wat u think (i havent seen the acc there!) or if you're going this year..... even better!

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Reply 1

Thought id drop a note to see if anyone is staying in cwrt mawr from sept?!

i am so if uve stayed there let me no wat u think (i havent seen the acc there!) or if you're going this year..... even better!

You'll see some piccys as soon as I find my CD so I can upload them onto here (I'm staying in Cwrt Mawr over resits)
Reply 2
Hi! Im staying in Cwrt Mawr from September. I'm really looking forward to it, although Cwrt Mawr does have a reputation for being the loudest residence...apparently.
Reply 3
cwrt mawr isnt really the loudest accomodation from my experience is just the least kinda monitored as there are som many different blocks, and the wardens do get involved that much
Reply 4
It isn't as loud as Penbryn, at least in Cwrt Mawr you have carpet and relatively thick walls, in Penbryn there are no carpets and the walls are very thin.
Reply 5
I'm in CW in September! Should be getting there Saturday 23rd... :wink:
Reply 6
I'm in Cwrt Mawr!!!!! I just got my letter and have just stopped screaming :smile: yay!

Though I was wondering, does anyone know how to pronounce the name?.... I'm don't and I feel slightly stupid. I can see it now

"Hey, where are you staying?"
"Why, I'm staying in that building over there.... the one with the... windows...."
"Cool, whats it called again?"
"Its called..... ermm..........."*runs away*
Reply 7
im the same.

im sure cwrt mawr is everything i hope it is, il just have to bring all my posters to cover up the painted breeze block walls :biggrin:
Reply 8
I have an order from expected tomorrow... :biggrin:

I pronounce it "Kurt more" (ish) but with a bit of "awr" instead of "ore"...
Reply 9
Be thankful the walls are painted. A relative of mine that was at a different uni just had the plain breeze blocks, with couloured blu-tack in the gaps from years of posters!
*note to self, learn welsh*

my accomodation pack came today, so i have another trees worth of forms from aber to do :biggrin: itll be worth it thought!
Reply 11
yeah I'm adding 'learn welsh' to my list of things to do before I die , it would seriously reduce the amount of paper we get sent if they could just publish it all in one languageee!
Reply 12
Woot! Just found out I'm staying in Cwrt Mawr! Can't wait man.
Reply 13
I have an order from expected tomorrow... :biggrin:

I pronounce it "Kurt more" (ish) but with a bit of "awr" instead of "ore"...

It's pronounced 'Court Maur' (maur as in sour) (or something like that :p:)
i got the stack of paper today aswell! omg- theres soo much paper work! and a rediculous amount of pasport photos needed!! in cwrt mawyr aswell! seem like its the place to be!
Reply 15
i still have over half of passport photo i supposidly had to have
but it really hard to any passport photos up there so its worth getting all they say
Reply 16
I have an order from expected tomorrow... :biggrin:

I pronounce it "Kurt more" (ish) but with a bit of "awr" instead of "ore"...

Heh. I pronounce it "Kurt" (Cobain) and (Johnny) "Marr". Rock and roll :biggrin:
Reply 17
whats this about cwrt mawr not being the loudest block?!?!? 2006 freshers aren't there yet! lol
and as for pronouncing cwrt mawr us welshies will teach u wen we get there - its easier when ure drunk.... which u will be :wink:
Reply 18
Do peoople realise Cwrt Mawr, isn't just one block, there's 10?!
Reply 19
I'm going to be in Cwrt Mawr in September too :smile: ...oh wait, it is september now.. argh!!

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