The Student Room Group

Castle Leazes!

I was just reading the Castle Leazes Conditions of Licence Handbook and I thought I'd share some amusing excerpts:
Please note that fire alarms are tested weekly - Monday mornings (Henderson Hall); Wednesday mornings (Castle Leazes Halls).

Residents are required to maintain mature and civilized standards of behaviour in the Dining Hall(s).

Residents have a responsibility not to endanger themselves and others by their actions therefore running, throwing and similar acts of horseplay are strictly prohibited.

Bags containing food/beverages or any other items must not be hung out of windows.

Brewing beer or making wine is not permitted in Hall.

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Reply 1
lol, sounds like they have a sense of humour, I hope I get in there! :biggrin:
Reply 2
I just love the way they've used 'horseplay' in an official code of conduct paper! :smile:

It sounds sooo much more tempting now they've forbid it! Who's up for a game of drunkern ultimate fireball first day then?
Reply 3
Im in :biggrin:
Reply 4
i'm in toooooo :smile: but all this stuff about halls is confusing.. i'm in a hall in a hall in a hall? i'm in Wensbeck House, Eustace Percy Hall, Castle Leazes.. all sounds pretty posh to me.. and i just realised there's no catering during the weekends..? uh oh
Reply 5
i'm in a hall in a hall in a hall? i'm in Wensbeck House, Eustace Percy Hall, Castle Leazes
LOL. Castle Leazes is the collective term for the three halls, one of which is Eustace Percy Hall. Wensbeck House is probably the name of the floor. I like the names, they're so Harry Potter-esque.

i just realised there's no catering during the weekends..? uh oh
That's cause we'll be too hungover to eat anything! In case anybody's hungry, I'll cook something veggie and healthy for you. If you buy me a week's supply of beer.:wink:
Reply 6
Do we have to pay a deposit? My mates who went to uni last year had to pay a £100-£200 deposit in case they trashed the place (which they did). Not heard anything about this at Castle Leazes though?

Anyone else in Havelock by the way?
Reply 7
my mate was in freemans hall in castle leazes, went a few times, fire alarm went off like ALLLLLL the time, ganted three of the times we were involved!!
Reply 8
oh make sure you harass the security guards after you come in at night, they love it!1
Reply 9
Do we have to pay a deposit? My mates who went to uni last year had to pay a £100-£200 deposit in case they trashed the place (which they did). Not heard anything about this at Castle Leazes though?

Anyone else in Havelock by the way?

I'm in Havelock. Hello roomie! :wavey: Or should I say hallie?

I read the Accommodation Acceptance contract and there was no mention of a deposit. Nevertheless you will have to pay if you trash the place.

Incidentally, my accommodation offer letter says I have to move in on Sunday the 24th. I'm a non-UK student so normally I'm allowed to move in on the 19th. Do any non-UK students know if we will be charged extra for this?
Reply 10
I'm in Havelock. Hello roomie! :wavey: Or should I say hallie?

I read the Accommodation Acceptance contract and there was no mention of a deposit. Nevertheless you will have to pay if you trash the place.

Incidentally, my accommodation offer letter says I have to move in on Sunday the 24th. I'm a non-UK student so normally I'm allowed to move in on the 19th. Do any non-UK students know if we will be charged extra for this?

oh.. i have the same problem.. and on the acceptance of accommodation form i had to give in, i put the 19th as the date i want to move in even though my given date was the 23rd.. above the thing it did say that we'd be charged extra for residence before the given date.. but i'm not sure
Reply 11
oh.. i have the same problem.. and on the acceptance of accommodation form i had to give in, i put the 19th as the date i want to move in even though my given date was the 23rd.. above the thing it did say that we'd be charged extra for residence before the given date.. but i'm not sure

I'll phone them and ask, and let you know.
Reply 12
I just called, and we will be charged for every day before the 23rd. The charge is £9.15 per day, not including meals. However, you have to inform them that you will be arriving early, and they'll tell you whether a room will be available for you.
Reply 13
oh thanks! i just called them to confirm too
Do we get fed on the 23rd?
Reply 15
Do we get fed on the 23rd?

LOL we probably do.
Reply 16
I like the names, they're so Harry Potter-esque

lol trust me, it wont take long for you to realise that castle sleazes is in no way similar to hogwarts
Reply 17

Come on Castle (S)leazes people, talk!:tsr2:
Eustace percy, Aln house anyone?
Anyone in Bayles House, Freemen's hall?

Everyone I've spoken to seems to be in Eutace Percy....hmmmm. Hall to myself eh :confused:

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