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SO GUTTED...:-( Would it work out

I been out with my boyfriend for a month, this is my first proper relationship, he's 20 at university and I'm 17 in 6th form going to do A2.

The thing is, I put him down last night; I told him that I wanted to concentrate on my education and achieve my ambitions, I'm in my crucial stage of 6th form which is important...

Another reason was because of the age difference since he has more experience in life and achieved more whereas I'm in 6th form aiming to achieve...He was really gutted but understands, however when I talked to him, he got upset and kinda off with me...:frown:

Overall,I believe that a relationship would be a distraction to me, were both crazy about each other...

However, all these memories of the dates we've been on and romantic things we've done keeps flooding back into my mind; I'm even thinking about him loads and I got myself upset today, I feel that i've done the wrong thing.

I don't know whether relationships work whilst studying, i've never had a proper relationship before, only been on dates which didn't mean much... though he does mean alot to me...

I don't know what to do... whether to take him back or wait til after A levels? Can anyone give me their experience on relationships whilst studying and does it work well?

Sorry that it's long and i'm rambling too much...
ive just finished my a2s whilst having an uber serious bf who i would see every weekend and the occasional weekday. i got 4 a's so for me i think its total possible to balance a levels and boyfriends
Reply 2
sorry didnt mean 2 put that as anon, my mouse slipped!
If you wait until after A Levels, chances are he won't be waiting around for you.

I don't see why your relationship can't work just because you're doing A-Levels. You just need to learn to balance your time between your studies and your boyfriend. Of course he is going to have work to do as well because he's at university so I'm sure he will understand.

I met my last boyfriend just as I was finishing GCSEs, stayed with him through A-Levels and achieved 3 A's and 1 B. It's totally possible for it to work, you just need to learn to stay at home and do your work sometimes when all you really want is to go and see him. Try and be constructive with your time so you get your work done and then have time to go and see him.

Reply 4
To be honest if you can't have a relationship when you're at school, you won't find it any easier after, either at uni or at work. There's always work to do, so its impossible to avoid relationships just because of this. It is easily possible to have a serious relationship and achieve all your academic goals. Though the fact you have "put him down", as you described it, probably hasn't helped your relationship with this guy.

If you like him, try and get back with him. You don't have to be with each other everyday, just see each other when it suits. Besides, its good to have support through a very stressful A2 year anyway!
Reply 5
i really dont see an age gap, 3 years is nothing. Nor is 5... Its what you make out of it, i find alot of people use an age gap as an excuse for it not working... Which annoys me, since in my experience any age gap can work, if the people are right for each other.
Reply 6
Thanks for the advices... Though I tried to get back with him yesterday, realised how much I liked him and how I wanted to be around him.. *sighs*

The problem is he kept replaying what I said in his mind and also realised that he needed to concentrate on univeristy and thought he wouldn't have time for me....but he wants to remain good friends...

Maybe I'm either good at messing relationships up or I'm just good at persuading...:frown:
Well in hindsight you didn't need to break up with him, all you needed to tell him was you needed a few days space to concentrate on your exams, although maybe you just weren't ready for it all.
Honestly if you can't handle a boyfriend in school, good luck having a relationship as an adult...