The Student Room Group

Am I being paranoid?

Sometimes I feel like when some of my friends text or ring me to ask me to come out, it's only because I'm their second choice. E.g I haven't seen my friend for weeks, and she's been going out with her boyfriend every day and with her other friends, then today I got a text off her asking me to come for a coffee and a chat. I was so surprised to hear from her that I couldn't help but wonder if it was because everyone else was busy.
Am I just being paranoid?
Reply 1
Or maybe they actually want to see you :eek: They are your friends after all.
Sometimes I feel like when some of my friends text or ring me to ask me to come out, it's only because I'm their second choice. E.g I haven't seen my friend for weeks, and she's been going out with her boyfriend every day and with her other friends, then today I got a text off her asking me to come for a coffee and a chat. I was so surprised to hear from her that I couldn't help but wonder if it was because everyone else was busy.
Am I just being paranoid?

Nope. The same thing has happened to me before and when I asked my friend if they had asked anyone else, they said that eveyone else was busy.....It may not be the case all the time so don't be suspicious all of the time but who's to say it doesn't happen... Have fun though....put those thoughts to the back of or out of your mind...They are your friends and as someone else said, they may actually just want to see YOU