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Reply 1
Probably. At least your GP.
Reply 2
I rang NHS direct and they told me to go to my GP. Ring in the morning and make an appointment for that day if you can. They'll probably make you wee in a cup and give you antibiotics.

It's annoying, but just something that happens, and it's easy enough to get rid of. A&E is probably excessive. Ring NHS Direct and describe the blood, but they'll probably suggest the same.
Reply 3
ok thanks.....:frown:
Reply 4
cranberry juice should help in the meantime. You need to try and flush your waterworks through.
Go to your GP
Reply 6
Cystitis is a bitch, I really feel for you.

Usually if you see blood in your urine it means that the infection need to be treated with antibiotics, so you'll need to visit your doctor as soon as possible. Until then keep taking the powdered drink (tastes icky, I know!) and try to drink as much water and cranberry juice as possible. A hot water between the legs can ease the pain too.

Oh and if you are prone to cystitis taking uva ursi capsules daily helps.

Hope you feel better soon
Cystitis is a bitch, I really feel for you.

Usually if you see blood in your urine it means that the infection need to be treated with antibiotics, so you'll need to visit your doctor as soon as possible. Until then keep taking the powdered drink (tastes icky, I know!) and try to drink as much water and cranberry juice as possible. A hot water between the legs can ease the pain too.

Oh and if you are prone to cystitis taking uva ursi capsules daily helps.

Hope you feel better soon

I also think you should go to the doctor... but are you sure it's blood? Just a thought but I'm guessing those drink things were cranberry flavoured. Involving red colouring.
Reply 8
The powdered drinks are very lightly pink coloured or clear, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't colour your urine, not enough to mistake it for blood anyway
Reply 9
Doctor! Now!
They'll probably sort it out very quickly with some antibiotics, but best to do it as soon as.
Reply 10
Go to the GP. They will probably give you trimethoprim or nitrofurantoin depending on how severe it is. Short course of these antibiotics. Drink cranberry juice and lots of water to flush out your system, as said by people before.
Reply 11
go GP tomorrow and they will give you antibiotics. dont leave it much longer coz the infection could get to your kidneys (happened to me twice but i didnt get any cystisis symptoms which is why it happened)

the medicine works really well and within 24 hours you should see improvement

Try not to worry about the blood as it is nothing major, its only because your urethra and bladder membranes are a bit swollen coz of the bacteria.

And like everyone else has said, drink water and cranberry juice as much as you can, and even after the infection try to keep the fluid intake up because after you have one, you are prone to more

hope that helps a little, and feel better soon, i know exactly how you feel!
I had it a while ago and there was apparently more blood than the nurse had ever seen! I was put on antibiotics for 5 days but it was uncomfortable for another week or so. I've got it again now and it doesn't want to go away!
cranberry juice should help in the meantime. You need to try and flush your waterworks through.

yes thats true.:smile:
Reply 14
arghhh i'd get it checked out promto. my mum has recently had it and it then led to jaundis and she's now yellow.
Reply 15
the general stinging has gone, but right at the end is ****ing killing me. ive nearly drunk all the sachets for today. i'll get up and go to the doctors tomorrow. can i see a nurse about this instead of a doctor?
Reply 16
the general stinging has gone, but right at the end is ****ing killing me. ive nearly drunk all the sachets for today. i'll get up and go to the doctors tomorrow. can i see a nurse about this instead of a doctor?

only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics, however it depends on your surgery as at mine you can see a triage nurse and she can then just ask the doctor for you. tbh you're probably best to explain the situation to the receptionist when you ring and say you're pretty sure you'll need antibiotics and she'll put you in with whoever.

lou xxx
What is it about cystitis that people think they need treatment? At this stage i would go to your GP, but if you get it again forget about pills and don't waste your money on powdered crap, just drink loads of water all you need to do for cystitis is flush out your system, so all you need for that is water, water and more water.
Reply 18
What is it about cystitis that people think they need treatment? At this stage i would go to your GP, but if you get it again forget about pills and don't waste your money on powdered crap, just drink loads of water all you need to do for cystitis is flush out your system, so all you need for that is water, water and more water.

You're right. Water, water, water!
And lay off having sex - I hear Cystitis is commonly known as "Honeymoon Syndrome"
Reply 19
The sachets of powder you buy help to relieve symptoms not cure them. So basically drinking water helps to flush out the bacteria but it will still hurt like hell when you pee, the powder just helps to neutralise the pain.

Therefore you probably won't be wasting your money on the powder if it helps stop the burning for a while, its certainly helped me before!