The Student Room Group

Did she like me?

In a bit of a situation here and need a little help. Basically i have just got back from holiday and i quite liked one of the entertainers there. At there start my attention wasnt really drawn to her and we hadnt talked or anything. But one day towards the end she seemed to ...erm, how can i put this .. keep "interacting" with me, e.g she came out of no where to talk to me in the resteraunt, tried to get me to take off my jeans for part of the game that was being played and was "floating" around me in the evening trying to flick my ear. My mum kept saying "oooh she likes you" and "why dont you take her for a drink" and things like that. Anyway, after that day she never really said or did anything with me, im not sure whether that was because she was just messing that day or because maybe i gave the impression i wasnt interested (im quite shy esp around girls :/ ).

On the last few days of the holiday i really wanted to speak with her but she was always busy and i never really got around to it, i said good bye on the night i was leaving and had a photo but that was about it. Now that im home im really missing her and i am trying to get her email from another one of the entertianers. Do you think she might have liked me? Should i just ask her if i get her email? I just dont know what to do, if she did and i dont manage to contact her then it would be a shame but if she didnt and i do contact her then i might look a bit stupid :redface:
Reply 1
Could you be a bit more specific. What type of "entertainer" was she etc

I won't be able to tell from an internet forum, but from purely the information you told me it vould be due to the fact that it was her job. However she may have liked you more than others there and thats why she decided to rake of you jeans in a game.
Reply 2
She was just one of the usaul hotel entertainers, the ones that run the activities for the visitors in the day and occasionaly helps out with the evening entertainment if there wasnt a professional show on.

She was 20 and im only just 19 btw.
Reply 3
How have you gone about your attempt to get her email? Who have you contacted to try and get it?
Reply 4
I have the email of one of the other girls there and i have asked her if she can send it to me.
its better to try and contact her, than leave it and wonder what always might have been. even if she says shes not interested, at least u havent lost anything
Reply 6
tbh i don't think she liked you the way you hope she did. sometimes 'entertainers' like to interact more with one member of the audience, especially if they notice them and think they're not bad lookers. its possible she found someone else to pick on over the next few days.

Reply 7
i wouldnt do it, but then i suppose u will prob never see her again so u could try
Reply 8
Well i will just have to wait and see if i get her email and if i do then maybe i will just ask her.
Hmm don't think she is interested to tell you the truth.
Reply 10
Poor dude. You remind me of myself as a little kid. You're going to have to learn to stop worrying incessantly about approaching people. This might come easily once you get confidence but really, you're going to have to go for it, take the risk of making a fool of yourself.

Some people are born naturally confident and don't need to make a fool of themselves but unfortunately, the vast majority of men, sooner or later, have had to embarass themselves completely to learn to be comfortable approaching women. There's no secret to it.

Yes, ask for the e-mail. The trouble is, there's no way to tell if she liked you and even then, so what? What you have to realise is that girls change their mind contantly. You're the timid, introverted type who focuses on girls for long periods of time so you assume that if a girl liked you once, then she must like you forever. Not so, my friend. Who knows, maybe that day, she felt interested in having a bit of fun and THAT was your chance. It doesn't mean that she was crazy about you, that she loved you. Maybe because of your reactions, maybe simply because her mood changed, as girls' moods do, the way she felt then, disappeared right away.

You're making films in your head, thinking that just because a girl showed some interest in you once, she is thinking about you constantly. I can't say for sure but what was most likely is that she was a bit interested then and that was your opportunity to really make her like you. THAT was the opportunity, when you were there. Sending an e-mail is not the same, as you won't make her like you, the way you could have, if you'd tried your chance.

Again, don't mix up a LITTLE interest, at SOME point in time, with "Oh my god, she really likes me!". You're just imagining things.
Reply 11
What sort of "entertainer"? If she's a lap-dancer, I'd be inclined to take any expression of 'affection' with a pinch of salt.