The Student Room Group

LEEDS FESTIVAL (the clothing stalls)

the stalls were the same but to any girls etc who bought clothing at the stalls this year, what was the name of one of the clothing on the label (something like x3, i canny remember) because there was this checked jacket i wanted to get but it was £30 and only had £20 left, i really wanted to get it so i need to know the clothing label so i can hunt for it! thank you to anyone that contributes to this post. hope everyone that went to leeds this year had a cracking time and got use out of their wellies sunday night/today with all the wet mud! :smile:
Reply 1
All the clothing I checked had the labels cut out (size and all) at Leeds festival :frown:.

I bought a yellow spotted dress and I'm thinking it was a drunk purchase, although I managed to get the price down somehow..

And oh dear the mud was so thick in the yellow village!!!
Reply 2
I bought the most gorgeous jacket at leeds for £20 two years ago (god that makes me feel old...) and I still wear it everywhere, it was prolly the best buy I've ever made. :biggrin: But it didn't have a label in it sorry!
Reply 3
I checked my god damn ugly ass dress that I bought (cider has a lot to answer for) but theres no label in other than the size. Sorry i'm no help. Anyone else got festival flu??