The Student Room Group
Your best bet is to visit your GP. Low blood sugar can be a factor of diabetes so it's best to get it checked out :smile:
Yes i would say visit your GP
Reply 3
go to your gp or nip round to my house - I'll do it!
Reply 4
I would definitely go to a doctor and they will perform a GTT (glucose tolerance test). I recently had one in July and was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia. It's not a fun test, but don't let it scare you... you will feel sooo much better once you figure out what's wrong... don't play around with your health though... having any sort of disorder with blood sugar involved is nothing to take lightly!
Reply 5
Go to your local Lloyds pharmacy. They do free blood sugar tests and if your local health centre is anything compared to mine, you could probably have 10 blood tests in the time it takes to wait in the queue to join the queue to see the GP who it turns out is on holiday for the millionth time that year
Reply 6
Doctors or i think you can go to some pharmacies and have it done!
Reply 7
Thanks for the replies guys, I'll go to the local pharmacy tomorrow and see if they do it. If not I'll book an appointment with my GP.
Reply 8
Lloyds Pharmacy for free if your over 16, although you may have to wait a while
Reply 9
GP as everyones said.
you can get those tester thingies at pharmacies though, where you prick your finger and test it in the tester thingy machine.
Reply 10
It is not accurate to just get a single blood sugar test. Why do u feel u have low blood sugar? Your symptoms could be something else. So i suggest you see you GP about your problems. He/she can do a test to see if you suffering from diabetes mellitus or any other problem he/she may suspect, all the best
I would suggest going to a few pharmacies and seeing if they offer free blood sugar testing. Even if they don't you can still have a chat with a pharmacist about why you think you need to have the test and they can advise you on what's the best thing to do based on what you tell them.

They haven't had a new contract for people to still go running to the doctors with everything :p: