The Student Room Group

Advice needed

Dear all,

I need advice regarding my sister's relationship. She has been seeing this guy, and my parents do not know. She went out with him once and they knew, and they made it quite clear it wasn't to their liking.

Anyway, she took note of this and has since continued to see him, but has lied when she has gone out, my mother has said she is okay with them both going out as long as there is a group of people going. She has often said she is going with a group, but has in fact gone out with just him.

Anyway, earlier today my uncle was looking for photos of our recent family trip and he stumbled on a folder which contained numerous pictures from her cameraphone, one of which is the guy topless, though you can only see the tops of his shoulders.

Now my sister is worried about what to do, and whether my uncle is going to say anything to anyone, especially his wife who can talk for Britain! I told her my uncle saw the pics, though the folder contains other pictures too, including a couple of other work colleagues, and my uncle made the comment "Oh this folder only has people from work."

Anyway, she has cried just now, and doesn't know what to do... I am saying to just do nothing, my uncle probably won't even say anything.

What else can she do? If she tells my parents she says they will stop her seeing him and stop her from working at the same shop (where they met).
Reply 1
how old is your sister?
Reply 2
If she is old enough to work in a shop she is old enough to tell them to shove it and do what she likes with whom she likes.
Reply 3
no no that wouldnt work, tell them those pictures are from a friends camera, or delete the evidence now, or explain to ur uncle its ur camera and u took it to gym and then ur sis took it to work or soemthing

lie lie lie!!!
Reply 4
My sister is 17, the guy is 21.

I dunno whether my uncle will even say anything, the folder also contained several other pictures of the guy too.

I think I will just try to make sure my sister stays calm, at the end of the day he has seen only one "dodgy" picture.
Reply 5
I dont think your uncle would say anything. Usually matured or old people have loads of things going on in their mind and their usually busy thinking about other things. I doubt he even remembers the pic. Just tell ur sis to stay calm ..