The Student Room Group
I know about four people who missed their grades by one and didn't get in for 2006.. make of that what you will.
Sorry, i really dont think they will.Its very hard to get there thru clearing and everything x
Reply 3
I got into Biomedical sciences with a grade lower than the conditional, and biomed is pretty popular, it wasn't even on the clearing list.

Conditional: 32 IB points with in chem/bio
Actual: 34 IB points 6 bio 5 chem
Reply 4
I am applying for uni in 2007 but didnt get the grades that newcastle demand but want to know if its worth applying for that course anyway?:confused:


Have you considered declining your grades and resitting? It may be a good idea if you're only slightly below the threshold for the required grade. For competitive subjects like medicine and dentistry, they normally expect you to achieve the required grades in one sitting; in any case it may be best to e-mail the department you're interested in and ask them if they consider resit applicants.
Reply 5
Tell us what you are applying for?
Reply 6
Applying for History but i think it would be easier to do a combined course such as hist-hist of art etc.
Reply 7
I am applying for uni in 2007 but didnt get the grades that newcastle demand but want to know if its worth applying for that course anyway?:confused:


remember its not just the grades that will get you in! if you can impress them with an excellent personal statement (and/or interview) then the grades might not be a problem. :smile:
Reply 8
newcastle do a partners scheme where u can do a summer school and if they think u are capable to do the course they can lower the requirements for you. like if they think u are more capable than ur grades show. but they have stupid requirements for partners which means hardly anyone can actually do it.
Reply 9
for partners you need to either live in a classified low higher education participation area, have suffered a familly trauma or qualify for EMA

i believe you've got til january to apply for 2007 entry
sorry to say this but they seem to be quite strict...i was one mark off my grades and they wouldnt take me (and it wasnt even what you'd consider a popular course), whilst alot of other unis seemed to take people that were a few grades off!
Reply 11
sorry to say this but they seem to be quite strict...i was one mark off my grades and they wouldnt take me (and it wasnt even what you'd consider a popular course), whilst alot of other unis seemed to take people that were a few grades off!

:eek: You poor thing. That's pretty harsh of them. I was actually praying that in case I missed my required grades by a couple of marks, they'd still accept me on the course. Medicine.:rolleyes:
Reply 12
listen wilco, is newcastel one of your 6 choices from ucas

if u havent made that choice then, u wont know whether to make it your firm choice yet, and if they dont accpet u, you still have like 5 other uni's that cud still make u an offer

i got BBC at AS level, apllied for newcastle for marketing which was ABB, they still made me an offer coz i was only 1 grade down on the three,

they offered me ABC, coz i did young enterprise it meant i already had some skills for my course, which was marketing if your asking, so they lowered one of the grades, form ABB to ABC

When i got my A2 results i got BBD, i was 12 ums points form ABC, so i thought i was on my way to chester, but then i got a phone call, telling me theyd still accepted me, which is wierd coz u usually have to phone them to see if u can still get in,

but i later found out that my course was in the paper as one of the clearing courses, a lot of people took apprentichips this year instead of costly uni coz of the higher tution fees, so less people accpeted there courses than normal, but make sure u resit your as exams if they are poor coz they can help u a lot
Reply 13
I've been told that they're more leniant with local students. I'm from Newcastle, and although I was predicted AAB as required for the course I applied to, I wasn't interviewed, I just got the offer straight through. Where-as last year, a non-local who I know had to have an interview, and was declined even though they had the predicted grades required for the course.

Then again, it could just be that my personal statement was better. *shrugs* Call them, if you don't ask you'll never know. Or you could always just try your luck; if your personal statement is impressive, they may overlook your grades [providing you don't get EEE for an AAB course].
Reply 14
Reply 15
For Geography I was offered ABB and got AAC, I guess it depends on the course, like people have already suggested just give them a ring. Not sure but it could be an advantage that you already have your grades and are applying?
Reply 16
i missed my grades and they still gave me a place - so there's hope