The Student Room Group
Reply 1
kinda rest your head in your hands and push a bit, loads of paracetamol/ibuprofen etc.

I had mine taken out last year, they were impacted - growing sideways into the ones next to them. That was agony, i've got so many dental probs 'cause of it!
Reply 2
Im dreading mine.. Can you not see your dentist? Or is there nothing you can do? Does paracetemol not help?
Reply 3
Apparently it looks like I don't have any.

Famous last words, I bet.

Couldn't see them on the X-Ray, anyway.
Reply 4
Anyone got any ideas to kill the pain ? :frown:

Ive got one coming through on the right side of my mouth at the bottom now and its seriously agony.

I know exactly how you feel, I have 4 wisdom teeth myself that havent come through yet but put me in a lot of pain every now and again all along the side of the jaw and right down in the roots of my other teeth. All you can do is take some paracetamol or do as I do and just put up with the pain, it will pass eventually but if it is persistant and wont go away after 2 days then go see your dentist and he/she will give you a prescription for some hard hitting pain killers :biggrin: Ask for an xray maybe to make sure that the tooth is coming through properly and not causing any damage to your other teeth.
Oh you poor thing!

Yeah listen to what Azzle said (I was about to suggest that! Too late :frown: ) and also...

here's a hug from me :hugs: :biggrin:
Reply 6
Anyone got any ideas to kill the pain ? :frown:

Ive got one coming through on the right side of my mouth at the bottom now and its seriously agony.

get them out?
Reply 7
Mine came along no problem :biggrin: But yeah, listen to Azzle and Spiffy!... Hope the pain goes away soon!

Reply 9
Thanks for the advice ppl :smile:

Ive been using painkillers and they help, the worse thing is when im eating food and forget about it and chew food at the back of my mouth on the tooth, normally followed by me going "Ahhhhhhhhh"
Reply 10
Gargle warm salt water. It tastes like crap, but when I had one my teeth pulled, it helps clear the pain somewhat.

If its really hurting, it may be coming in wrong, and you'll have to have it took out.
Chewing on clove buds if you have any kinda helps. Get better soon x
Reply 12
Hmm. I never had much trouble with all four of mine coming through!
But still give 'Bonjela' a try - its for ulcers, but should be ok on areas where teeth are coming through.
kinda rest your head in your hands and push a bit, loads of paracetamol/ibuprofen etc.

I had mine taken out last year, they were impacted - growing sideways into the ones next to them. That was agony, i've got so many dental probs 'cause of it!

:ditto: but mine was like 2/3 years ago and i had to remove the one that was groing above it this summer because it was becoming a fang at the back of my mouth. was kinda cool lol but i was prone to holes and food getting stuck there. see the dentist as quick as you can,so they can help. some bonjela would help also :smile:
Reply 14
Chew a button.

Worked when you were 6 months old.