The Student Room Group

In a predicament.....

My mate just found out from his parents that he will be married tomorrow, as part of an arranged marriage.

I am very worried about this, because he is an ambitious individual who is currently in his 3rd year at a prestigious uni. So, getting married so quickly is a little bit rash.

His thoughts on this situation is summed up by the following word; shocked. He was told that this was to be, right at the last minute (e.g. the night before his wedding day - today). With such short notice, I haven't got a clue on what he should do, I know one thing for sure that this is a big mistake for him, if indeed this event does go through.

One half of me thinks...No this can't be for real. Like he has asked if he could stay over at mine for a few days, in order to evade marraige. I have agreed to this, as I do not want him to get married - as he will be very very unhappy. Though there is one half of me that just thinks this whole thing is just a whind up. I am confused, what do you think?
Hmm well I would take the chance and assume that it is not a wind up. If you really feel that this would be wrong for him then I think you have to take some action. I think otherwise you will blame yourself later for not doing that and if he is your friend you should have his best interests at heart.

Talk to him about it, don't say that you doubt whether or not it is true otherwise he will feel as though he can't trust you. Help him in whatever way you think is best.

I hope things get sorted out soon.