The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
ive been meaning to ask this question mate as well.
I hear some places called the west riding and camel club play
metal and the students union have a metal and hardcore night on a friday
i think. Dance music isnt my scene and it never will be.
I was told this by some guy on myspace who went to the uni so it must be accurate.
Hope this helps
Reply 2
thanks for the help mate =]
Reply 3
no worries us metalheads should stick together lol
Reply 4
we should...we're a dying race
Reply 5
i know but the town is supposed to be pretty decent for rock and stuff
so im looing forward to it
Reply 6
me too =]
Reply 7
what bands you into then?
Reply 8
kataklysm, amon amarth, cannibal corpse, kreator, sworn enemy, six feet under, etc you?
Reply 9
your into your really heavy stuff then.
I like more old stuff like Iron Maiden and Anthrax
Kreator are quite good though
i like napalm death but cant really get into to death metal too much
i have a wide taste in music from metal and classic rock like Rush, Queen
and The Who and Pink Floyd are amongst some of my favourites
you have good taste.
I unfortunately have a slight soft spot for some Emo as well:eek:
Reply 10
haha you like emos? p.s anthrax are good!
yes i like some emo.
i go against the tradition that all metal heads hate emo!
my brother is a big emo and our windows media player is full of emo music
so im forced to share the same music as him:mad:
Hi all,

I am heavley into death metal at the moment. Random bands I am listening to are amon amarth, slayer, carcass, slipknot, six feet under and other random stuff like that.

I like some other stuff in no order like:

Within Temptation
Simple Plan
Linkin park
Nine inch nails
Sum 41

iangarner18 I like The Who there pritty good. I like CSI and they seem to use The Who as the theme music and at random events in the show.

My taste is rock, grunge, all types of metal etc. Any thing like that I listen to.

Reply 13
Good to hear some people into metal!
Im very much into Power metal, Dragonforce, Nightwish, Gamma Ray, Heloween, etc :smile:

Wanna get another band started up in Huddersfield. If anyone needs a guitarist! hehe
Reply 14
well, when ur walking around storthes hall and u hear cannibal corpse blasting out of one of the windows, you know thats where i live!
Reply 15
i don't like metal bands, but dragonforce are ****ing brilliant! i'm a drummer, and the first time i heard them i was gobsmacked, as they play sooooo fast, lol
dragonforce are absolutely amazing live
gamma ray are amazing too
Carcass are outstanding too
not keen on Cannibal Corpse but the lyrics are hilarious
The intro to CSI is Who are you which is my favourite Who song:wink:
Reply 17
cannibal corpse!
Reply 18

My ex sed camel club is about the only club u get with any alternative musik!

which is a huge bummer 4 me... im too used 2 my saturday nite skank around at our club in p'boro called 'The Met'
man im gunna miss that place & the ppl wen im in hudds :-(

spose we cud all gang 2gether or create a society which sets up nights at the unions 4 our kinda musik?!

Reply 19
hey, i aint a fan of metal what so ever, but anyway,

i went to huddersfield today, to pay for my accomodation, and i popped in for a drink at a club called tokyo's. and that place is awesome. i was reading some of the posters and stuff, and i think there may be a night during the week or one of the floors, that will interst you guys. :biggrin: