The Student Room Group
is fast necessarily good? Anyway, Reign in Blood is my fave Slayer album ever and yes it's pretty "fast" at times as well.
slayer = :evil:
yep reign in blood is a good choice, it's my favourite slayer album.
I'm pretty sure Reign In Blood is their fastest.
Reign In Blood is definitely my favourite. Absolutely seminal. Could be my favourite metal album ever.
Reply 6
Reign in Blood. God Hates us All.
Reply 7
is fast necessarily good?

IMO, yes. That's why I asked. :rolleyes:
IMO, yes. That's why I asked. :rolleyes:

and "slow" music would be too gheyyy for you to listen?
No. I just like faster music better. That's why I don't listen to sludge/doom very much.

Try the Darkness Descends album by Dark Angel, it's the fastest album I know of.
Reply 10
Just started listening to Reign in Blood, and after one track, I can understand all the Nazi comments :p:
wiuld anyone kindly define fast for me? is it the bpm of the percussions, the number of notes played by a musician per second or blurting out of words by the vocalist fastly?
reign in blood, seasons in the abyss, south of heaven, god hates us all , diabolus in musica, the rest are not as good

avoid undisputed attitude
Well Angel of Death is well known as their fastest song.
Reply 14
indeed. it is my favourite at the moment :cool:
Reply 15
Jesus Christ Almighty. What the hell is it with people and Reign In Blood. Angel Of Death and Raining Blood are the only two decent tracks on there, the rest all sounds the same.

And this isn't an attack on the original poster, but faster isn't frickin' better. South Of Heaven and Seasons In The Abyss are FAR better, more intricate, and very underplayed. Masterpieces like the title track and Mandatory Suicide prove that metal dosn't have to be faster to be better.

Fair enough OP, if you're looking for faster stuff for another reason. But I hope to God it's not 'cause you think it'll be better.