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Reply 1
Acid peals, but I think you need to have a few done to notice a difference. Im not certain how it works as I have never had this done.
Reply 2
I've started using bio-oil and it seems to be helping. I have a lot of redness caused by a mixture of acne scars and chicken pox scars, and the bio-oil seems to keep the redness down. I've come to the conclusion that I'm stuck with them for life, but trying to make it less noticeable seems to be working.
Reply 3
I've started using bio-oil and it seems to be helping. I have a lot of redness caused by a mixture of acne scars and chicken pox scars, and the bio-oil seems to keep the redness down. I've come to the conclusion that I'm stuck with them for life, but trying to make it less noticeable seems to be working.

Most acne scars will heal, did a doctor tell you that you would be stuck with them for life?
Reply 4
Most acne scars will heal, did a doctor tell you that you would be stuck with them for life?

They're quite bad :frown: I was told it wasn't likely they'd fade completely. I've not had a proper bout of acne now for about 3 years, the occasional spot breakout, but nothing out of the ordinary or acne like, and the scars are still as red as they were then.

I've naturally got very pale skin too which makes them all the more noticeable. I also seem to scar very easily. I still have a scar from a wasp sting three years ago, and any spot I get now leaves a red mark for months afterwards.

I'm just unlucky I guess *shrugs*
Reply 5
Some people do just scar easily. Bio oil works extremely well for reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks so I would also advise using this. It will take a fair while, but be persistant and it will have an effect.
Reply 6
They're quite bad :frown: I was told it wasn't likely they'd fade completely. I've not had a proper bout of acne now for about 3 years, the occasional spot breakout, but nothing out of the ordinary or acne like, and the scars are still as red as they were then.

I've naturally got very pale skin too which makes them all the more noticeable. I also seem to scar very easily. I still have a scar from a wasp sting three years ago, and any spot I get now leaves a red mark for months afterwards.

I'm just unlucky I guess *shrugs*

Considered laser therapy?

Even so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Me personally, I don't pay any attention to a womans skin. I used to have acne, my scars have all healed, so I know what it's like.

If you feel really bad I could lend you a paper bag? :nl:

:p: Joke, dont worry about it :smile:
Bio oil is really good for

- scars
-stretch marks
-uneven skin tone etc.

I have been using it for a few days now and my skin seems to be much more even. I have a really bad noticeable scar from a spot which is still healing. It should go though ! (I hope)

I say give bio-oil a go if you havent tried it already!
Reply 8
So is that the brand name - Bio Oil - or just a product and where do you get it? Tryed and failed with a lot of products, the new clearasil bleached my hair and eyebrows which was pretty funny so I aim to avoid that.
Reply 9
Mothercare does one for stretch marks, your pharmacist should also be able to point you in the right direction.
Reply 10
I've got awful scars on my legs from infected cuts and bites I got when travelling, and I was recommended rose hip oil by a complementary medicine student... it's supposed to be very good for scars of all sorts. :smile: I ordered mine on ebay and got a 100ml bottle for a tenner.
Reply 11
Complementary medicine.

Considered laser therapy?

Even so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Me personally, I don't pay any attention to a womans skin. I used to have acne, my scars have all healed, so I know what it's like.

If you feel really bad I could lend you a paper bag? :nl:

:p: Joke, dont worry about it :smile:

I'm not too fussed about it all to be honest. Make up covers the worst of them, and I swear there isn't a person on this planet who has flawless skin, so why should I aim for the impossible!

The *shrug* was general nonchalance about it :smile:
i used to have a lot of acne, so have ended up with LOADS of scarring, ive been using bio-oil for about 1 month...its not gotten rid of the scars, but they ALMOST blend in with the colour of my skin....i can definately also reccomend it!
So is that the brand name - Bio Oil - or just a product and where do you get it? Tryed and failed with a lot of products, the new clearasil bleached my hair and eyebrows which was pretty funny so I aim to avoid that.

Bio oil is the brand name and is available from boots

Here are two links you should find useful:

and :smile:

Reply 15
Only quickly scanned this thread. Just wanted to say please don't try acid peels whatever that is as it probably just causes even more damage. The only way to fix it is to let your body heal naturally and moisturise daily.
Only quickly scanned this thread. Just wanted to say please don't try acid peels whatever that is as it probably just causes even more damage. The only way to fix it is to let your body heal naturally and moisturise daily.

I agree with the acid peels bit- looking at the word acid is enough to put me off using it on my face
Reply 17
How quick would this bio oil work on my face?
Reply 18
Ok dont is worry about scarring from acne because it willeventually fade.

Firstly I recommend using St Ives blemishfighting facial scrub thus getting rid of all the impurities without bruising you skin .
Also I recommend using natural soaps such as Pears which In my opinion helped gently fade my blemishes.
The six glasses of water a day thing really does help too!!! :smile:
Reply 19
If you're not healing too fast maybe it could be something to do with your diet?