The Student Room Group

Damn John Wood

I got a place through clearing and the acoomodation and admissions offices mucked up my clearing passport by getting my passport 'caught' unders ome papers which delayed my application for accomodation, I have only just been able to get on accommodation choices today and my only choice is John Wood Court.This is so crap, off campus so at the bloody bottom of the hill, more expensive and have to pay for bus fares everyday and the building looks like a prison. I cant just stroll to the SU for a quick mess about with m8s or to see what is going on.Ill also have to lug my guitar and sax up the hill to play on campus.This has seriously pissed me off, i knew i wouldnt get a good choice but i thought that eastwood or norwood would be good bets.Damn i would have taken norwood instead of john wood because its on campus.Does anyone know if theres any chance of ringing and getting a place on Campus.I mean i dunno whether someone dropped out or something i have no idea but i just wanna be on damn campus.
exactly the same thing happened to one of my friends last year. in the end he joined a band in the town. the only benefit is that at least you get used to travelling, and also JW is quite nice. a lot nicer than westwood or norwood anyway!
but yeah. The only thing you can do really is call the uni and keep your fingers crossed. Good luck.
Reply 2
at last i found someone who's in john wood ct :smile: but i'm sorry for you mate... because i'll be doing foundation year and it's held just in front of the john wood court... :smile:
Reply 3
I've got a similar problem, I didn't get into warwick so I'm going to my insurance, bath. I applied for accommodation only hours after the results came out, the only thing left was John Wood Court, aaaarrrrrrrghhhhh. My friend and I went up there to have a look, the rooms are very basic (no sinks in the rooms). The woman at the porter's office said that we can apply for a room change once we get there, i'll probably do that.

They should only start to sort out accommodation once results are out. booooo

I'll probably see you there.
Reply 4
usually a few ppl back out and dont turn up, in which case there will hpoefully be a few on campus rooms going free so long as you're not fussy. You could end up anything from marlborough to norwood!
Other option is buy yourself a tent and kip in that!
Reply 5
Last year someone I was living with in eastwood dropped out in october and noone filled the room, so there can't be that much of a waiting list to get up on campus!
Reply 6
My friend last year was put in John Wood at first as Bath was his insurance. When he arrived he complained to the accomodation office (something about smoking and asthma) and was moved to Eastwood the next day.

Odd thing is I effectively went through clearing and didn't properly apply for Bath until nearly a week after A-level results and still got into Eastwood.
Reply 7
He dropped out in October!?Why would he do that he must have been there for about 2 weeks!Do you know whether people back out a lot and whether they will let you change because isnt your residence a contract.Maybe there is a reason that the room you say was never filled.Laffo, it wasnt filled throughout the year right?I just want to know any possible way i can get on to campus whether now or later in the year.I'm not exactly sure what i should ask the accommodation office though because they will probably say well thats the risk while going through clearing.What is John Wood like anyway?How far away from campus is it and from town?It will be even worse if its in the middle of nowhere let alone at the bottom of the hill
Reply 8
My friend last year was put in John Wood at first as Bath was his insurance. When he arrived he complained to the accomodation office (something about smoking and asthma) and was moved to Eastwood the next day.

Do you know what exactly he said? I also have asthma and this breathing condition, its not fatal so dont raise your eyebrows but i did require a small operation, but it could still be an excuse to give in order to be moved?Please could you possibly find out, it would be wicked if you could, as it would really help my case.
Reply 9
Now I think about it, there were a few rooms free on my corridor last year, people dropped out and others moved in so I guess moving onto campus is entirely possible. But you're going to have to live off campus after your first year anyway so maybe it'd be a good idea to get used to it! :smile:
Reply 10
What is John Wood like anyway?How far away from campus is it and from town?

John Wood Court looks quite good from the outside as it is a relatively modern building, but the rooms are quite small and the one that I saw had battered furniture. There are 4-6 people flats, that means its quite secure which is good, because nobody can come into your hallway or kitchen unless you let them. The kitchen I saw was old and unpleasant to the eye, however it was a reasonable size. There are no locks on the cupboards, so it might be a problem if one of your flatmates has klepto qualities. Each flat has one shower room and one toilet. That means that you could be sharing one shower with 5 people. I think that one room in each flat is catered for the disabled, I think those rooms have ensuites.

Its right in the centre of town, very close to shops, bars etc. Its probably a 2 or three minute walk to the main shopping place and that cathedral. However, it is a very long walk or a bus ride from campus.
Reply 11
Its right in the centre of town, very close to shops, bars etc. Its probably a 2 or three minute walk to the main shopping place and that cathedral. However, it is a very long walk or a bus ride from campus.

Yeah, definitely don't walk it because that's just foolish, it's not really that far but because it's uphill it's horrible if you're in a rush! The bus only takes five or ten minutes so it's not a major hardship or anything.
Reply 12
Right so you reckon my best bet is to just bug the Accommodation office everyday when i get there?Should I go in October or just as soon as I get there because i dont think attaining a room in September?So you reckon Ive got a good chance of getting a room in October?I understand that you should get used to it being off campus but theres less ease with which you can take part with stuff on campus. For example, if on campus, you may be bored and suggest to friends in halls to just go to the SU for a bit or go to play your instruments.But if off campus your not going to make spontaneous trips to the SU or a quick play on your sax or guitar simply because its such a hassle to get up hill and the cost.
Reply 13
But you've got the whole of the city of Bath and it's bars on your doorstep instead! I see where you're coming from, but I very much doubt it's the social suicide you seem to think it is. I didn't really spend much time in the Plug bar to be honest, only a few nights. I spent a lot more time in the Parade but that's because it was a bar close to where I lived. And living in city centre, you're near a lot of bars.

And why do you have to be on campus to play your sax or guitar?

I don't know whether you'll get a room in October but you could try. DO NOT hassle the Accommodation Office too much though, you have to remember that these people don't owe you anything and are essentially doing you a favour. You need to get them onside so they'll want to help you rather than annoy them because they'll be less inclined to give you a hand that way.

I know it's not ideal but you have to look on the bright side. Besides, you might get there and not want to move anyway! It's the people that make it, not the location in my opinion.
Reply 14
I cant play my instruments in halls it would annoy the hell out of people.On campus there are music practice rooms so thats where I would have to play
Reply 15
Do you know what exactly he said? I also have asthma and this breathing condition, its not fatal so dont raise your eyebrows but i did require a small operation, but it could still be an excuse to give in order to be moved?Please could you possibly find out, it would be wicked if you could, as it would really help my case.

He does have asthma and had part of his lung removed when he was younger. I think the smoking rules are more lax in john wood so he complained that it's not suitable so the accomodation office moved him to eastwood. I'll see if I can find out more info
Reply 16
I cant play my instruments in halls it would annoy the hell out of people.On campus there are music practice rooms so thats where I would have to play

Loads of the guys on my corridor had their guitars with them and didn't once go to a practice room, no-one moaned about it. The main gripes are if you're playing loud music during exam time or late at night so if you don't do either of those you should be fine. Just warn people of it first. It's exactly the same as playing a CD loud which people did all the time, as I say as long as you make sure your flatmates are aware and it's not at a stupid time, you'll be fine :smile:
Reply 17
i love live music, but i think i should consider buying some kind of "ear plugs" :biggrin: