The Student Room Group

Using a sauna

Hey guys/girls :smile:

My local gym has just got this fantastic new sauna that I'd love to try out. I'm in the middle of really trying to lose weight and tone up, so I've been swimming nearly everyday and was considering using the sauna afterwards to relax.

Is it healthy to use a sauna everyday for about 15-30mins? or should I use it only every other day or even less than that? Anyone know? anyone but me care? lol

Thanks :smile:
Reply 1
i guess it could be potentialy. may be better not to use everyday and makes sure to drink water after leaving.
I always wanted to use the one at my college gym but I couldn't be bothered. Apparently you should immediately rub down, literaly, with a towel to move the dirt from your pores, and then jump in a cold shower to close the pores' quickly to stop the crap getting back in. How does it help you lose weight anyway?
Ask them, they'll know. Just make sure (as dh00001 said) that you feel ok after it - if you feel dehydrated, then drink, and so on. Ask your gym though.
Reply 4
The only thing about using it every day is that it could dry your skin out, so you'd have to watch that. You might also find that you can't actually stand it for more than ten minutes or so - for me, saunas are just too dry, I prefer the steam room. I guess just see what feels right once you start using it.
The only thing about using it every day is that it could dry your skin out, so you'd have to watch that. You might also find that you can't actually stand it for more than ten minutes or so - for me, saunas are just too dry, I prefer the steam room. I guess just see what feels right once you start using it.

There's a difference?
Reply 6
There's a difference?

Sauna is dry heat, whereas a steam room is wet, hence the steam.
There's a difference?

a very big one lol and im with norelle on the steam room thing. they are great :smile:
Reply 8
I prefer the steam room, sometimes I find it hard to breathe in the sauna =/