The Student Room Group

Problems with my eye... to me anyway.

Right, enclosed is a pic of my eye with the bloodshot sections on it. (Badly edited drawing). They are quite noticable when I look at myself in the mirror from a close distance. (like 15cm or so away). It's starting to get me down (don't ask why, not sure). It's been here for months. As long as I can remember. Is there a way to get rid of it? I sleep plenty, eat well, exercise lots. Though I spend a lot of my time on the computer.

Any suggestions helpful. Obviously I will spend less time on the PC, but other then that?
Reply 1
I can't post the picture anon. I'll have to upload it.
Use photobucket or something.
Reply 4
Bloodshot sections? But not the whole. It sounds unlikely to be anything like tiredness or eyestrain.

As always, see a GP.

EDIT: On seeing the picture, a photo is more helpful. That doesn't look like 'bloodshot', that's visible blood vessels, which isn't 'per se' abnormal. Without an opthalmoscope, it's kinda hard to tell.
Reply 5
I am going to be seeing my doctor soon so I'll ask then. Just want some advice first from anyone experienced in the matter.
Reply 6
Maybe you should spend less time on the computer? The bloodshot areas will go.
Reply 7
Reply 8
its probs eye strain... off a pc maybe... my eyes were totally blood shot after doing an essay for uni last year lol
Reply 9
"Totally bloodshot" is very different to what the OP described... :rolleyes:
Reply 10
If it was temporary surely it would have gone after months? I mean, I'm not on the pc all through the school. (Though 2 of my subjects involved computers).
Reply 11
Turn the brightness down nice and low when you're using a computer, although not so low you have to squint to see it. Sounds like eye strain to me, so I'd sort out your computer to ease your vision a bit.
Reply 12
Will do. I'm just worried it could be permanent and just a part of me. I read that blood vessels get weaker the more they are 'strained' or something to that effect. Is it possible the two visible ones are just really weak?
Ruddy hell, I opened up that picture and got a load of 'PartyPoker' popups.
Flaming eyes...
That is the same condition as I have. I've had it for a month - it's bloodshot veins in the corners of my eyes. They aren't bloodshot in the normal sense; you can see the vein's outline. There was another thread about this; it'll be on page 3/4, I think; so that's three people on here suffering from it. At times, the veins subside; othertimes they really standout.

Will you report back to us what the doctor says? I need to go to a doctor for a different reason, so it'll have to wait for me.