Good luck mate, I'm totally behind you. I've suffered Anorexia Nervosa/Athletica for 5years, it started out as bingeing/excessive exercise to purge so could have been more classified as Bulimia then, but I've been fairly steady the past 2years, on a weight gain diet which is taking forever coz the more cals I put in, the more energy I get - more exercise! Like a hamster on a treadmill, lol. But I love to keep active anyway, so it's not really a punishment to me, I want to keep fit. It used to be pure agony, the amount I used to do and on the cals I was on (quite little, in comparison to the energy output.) I'm currently on 2,950cals and exercise hard 5x/week, 1xday I do light exercise and 1 day just housework/walking. Get yourself into a good fitness routine that's about building MUSCLE and not burning cals all the time, eat enough to maintain this regime, and believe you me you can seriously improve your health and your moods. Get you out of the binge/puke syndrome, hopefully. Don't take my advice as Gosphel, I'm only speaking from my own experiences and trust me, everyone's different and I still have real rough days where I can barely eat if I can't exercise. That's the way my mind works - no exercise = don't deserve to eat (or not much over my BMR.) So getting sick/injured is a real bitch!!
Hope some of this helps, good luck hon and take care at Uni - you know how you cope with stress, and you know it's detrimental to your health, so PREPARE YOURSELF for it at Uni coz by God there will some stressers there!!