The Student Room Group

How Healthy/Fit Are You

Do you eat 5 fruit or veg a day?

Do you regularly exercise? Maybe you go the gym...

Do you tend to eat foods which are good for you, or do you have to eat food such as ready meals, microwave food because you don't have a lot of time to prepare healthy meals?

I don't eat 5 fruit or veg a day, in fact it's an achievement if I eat 1 in a whole week. I don't exercise that much, although I would like to start going the gym to lose a bit of weight. I used to eat unhealthy foods, but I recently cut down but I think my stomach has shrunk because I seem to get full up/bloated after eating only a small portion of food.

After checking my BMI scale, I am 21.5 which is average weight. :smile:

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Never excercise.

I eat what I like, regardless of its health value.
Reply 2
BMI is not the only indication of health.

Hell its not even a good indication in itself.
Reply 3
I don't eat much fruit or veg and eat pretty unhealthily, but am very slim (18 BHI or something) and would consider myself fit. Can run for miles, row for ages and am quite strong.

I do go to the gym occasionally (well, not since last year at uni) and walk aorund alot.

I want to put on weight (lean fat or whatever is the latest buzz term :smile: ) Just want to look bigger, but in a good way.
Shame is that about 99% of all help is on getting girls thinner. Ah well.
P.S. I'm a 19yr old lad.
BMI is not the only indication of health.

Hell its not even a good indication in itself.

What would you reccomend then?

I am 6ft2 and weight about 12-13 stone, is that average weight for my height like I have been told?
Reply 5
Yes, I love fruit and veg.

Nothing too taxing, but I do a lot of walking (mainly around hills).

Occasionally eat microwave meals, but mostly eat home-cooked yummyness. I hate chocolate, so I don't need to worry about temptation on that one.
Crisps and chocolate are my downfall, my mum buys them because my brother eats them who plays rugby so doesn't need to eat a lot of healthy foods because he doesn't put on weight - but with them being there, so is the temptation.
I don't eat much fruit or veg and eat pretty unhealthily, but am very slim (18 BHI or something) and would consider myself fit. Can run for miles, row for ages and am quite strong.

I do go to the gym occasionally (well, not since last year at uni) and walk aorund alot.

I want to put on weight (lean fat or whatever is the latest buzz term :smile: ) Just want to look bigger, but in a good way.
Shame is that about 99% of all help is on getting girls thinner. Ah well.
P.S. I'm a 19yr old lad.

Lean muscle son.
Reply 8
I eat a good bit of fruit n veg

Exercise for at least an hour six days a week ie gym, riding my horse etc

Ugh dont like microwave meals at all. I dont totally avoid processed foods though, i will cook fish or chicken in breadcrumbs etc
i will cook fish or chicken in breadcrumbs etc

Assuming I am thinking of the same thing, I eat chicken in breadcrumbs all the time, love them. For conveniance also I like Pot Noodles, and the various Rustlers products that you can get.
Reply 10
My diet is crap. Official.
Reply 11
Twisted Reality
Assuming I am thinking of the same thing, I eat chicken in breadcrumbs all the time, love them.

yep, theys good!:biggrin:

Rustlers- yuck!:p:
Reply 12
I'm in pretty damn awesome shape, but not as good as I was. My diet used to be really healthy, but I eat the odd bit of junk food here and there now. However, I lift weights and am in great cardiovascular shape.
5 a day no possibly 1-2 a day i run six days a week if i can, i do eat crisps but only with a sandwich never on thier own, dont eat sweets or chocolate nor do i overindulge in fast food. I dont eat fried food I worry about my wieght rather obsessively though.

Pizza is my main vice
Not very. Haven't been to the gym in a while. I'm one of those january joiners. Very very sad, i know.
I eat 5 a day ususally most of it in vegetables and always some is raw.

I do eat foods that are good for me but I do like healthy foods and eating healthily means that I feel better about myself.

I exercise regularly too- about 5-6 days per week for about an hour at a time.

I am no angel though- I love chocolate, ice cream, pancakes and pizza- though not all together!
Reply 16
I usually eat closer to 10 portions of fruit and veg a day on average.

I exercise regularly, go to the gym or go for a run outside 4-5 times a week.

I eat foods that are healthy for me just because I feel and look much better for it and eating crap isn't worth the guilt afterwards. I've pretty much cut out all crisps, chocolate, sweets, biscuits, cake, ice cream, processed foods, etc and feel loads better for it.
I think Im quite healthy, Im an active who cant sit all day, need to do something. Anyway well I dont really go to the gym as there arent much time and also the stupid doc said Im still a lil bit younger to go to gym but I do play basketball almost everyday and training tennis and badminton every Wed and week ends as well as soccer. Diet? Well I eat anything, enough protein is a must and beside that I eat any foods, I dont believe in all that fast food is bad crap I mean Ive eat fast foods like everyweek and dont have any health problem...
I go to the gym almost everyday, but my eating isn't so great, but i'm trying to improve on it and become healthier! cream....tempting!
Reply 19
I eat at least one apple a day (just habit really but I started because they REALLY help you wake up) and then I eat whatever else is with the meals I have

Exercise, well I do play a lot of sports but during the summer etc I tend to lack a little as i only go out to play when other people are doing so

And on terms of what I eat, I do eat whatever I want and recently been snacking a lot. My diet is actually pretty healthy (apart from lots of snacking) due to my parents...

In terms of fitness, my natural fitness level is higher than a lot of people, but as far as I personally go at the moment im out of shape. (just for the record im not fat, im one of those annoying people that can eat whatever they want and lots of it and not put on any weight...)