The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
I was in Max Rayne last year, didn't want to move out of halls!
Reply 2
Oh Right, what did you think of it generally? I visited it briefly on Tuesday, and it looked ok, standard flats I guess!
Reply 3
yea im moving to max rayne and i got a twin room so we could as well end up being roommates

from the outside it looks like a barracks or something but hey, who gives a **, its cheap as ****
Reply 4
lol flat mates possibly, but I've been allocated a single room :P Where are you coming from then? I'll be coming up from sunny lincolnshire!
Reply 5
I've been dumped in a shared in Max Rayne.

I might be taking private accommodation instead.
Reply 6
Ugh, I can't even imagine being put in a shared room, I don't think they understand that 18+ needs single rooms!
Reply 7
Exactly :frown: It's okay when you're 12 and at boarding school, but at 18 and older it's just not so great - especially if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend or even just friends who might want to stay.
Reply 8
Hi, I'm moving into Max Rayne House too.

What subjects are you guys taking?
I'm doing Civil Engineering.

I'm coming from not-so-sunny Cambridge.

Wht are you guys thinking of doing for transport?
I guess it's between the tube and the bus or perhaps cycling.
The bus seems the cheapest.

Reply 9
I've been offered shared in Max Rayne too (although I phoned so don't have any details as yet).

Does anyone know whether its smoking/non-smoking? What sort of price I'll be looking at? What's the area like - is it near shops/supermarket/market/decent pubs?

I'm really not looking forward to sharing a room either - I just hope that either a) we get on really well and have the same tastes and routine (how likely is that tho :s) or b) she decides she's arsed sharing and moves out. I could always scare her away - leave a few choice occult books lying around; the odd skull....I know that would do the trick for me.

Reply 10
The price I was quoted for a shared room is £63/week. I would however rather pay £100/week than share, so if anyone wants to swap so they can have more money for alcohol/shopping/whatever then please do PM me :wink:

I'm guessing it's a non-smoking arrangement, most uni halls are it seems due to smoke alarm issues. The location can be found on a map here- in case you don't know, Camden is a very shoppy area, and very busy most (if not all) of the time.

Trying to scare one's roommate off is a very good idea... I hope she's a devout Christian who thinks Dungeons & Dragons/computer games are tools of Satan, then it'd be easy ^^. But I have a friend who collects occult books/paraphernalia, so I might just borrow a copy of the Necronomicon and scrawl "CTHULHU F'THAGN" on pieces of paper and pin them to the wall, then claim I didn't remember doing it...
Doop de doo...

Personally I would cycle everywhere, but my parents don't want me to. I may just have to go bikenapping when I have a free day, as it's only an hour and a half from here to London on the train. In the meantime I'll probably be walking or taking the tube if I'm going longer distances. I hate buses.

Oh, and I've not been sent anything yet either :s I phoned up too... hope the confirmation comes soon, even though I am looking elsewhere.
Reply 11
Thank you - that was helpful. I'm in the same boat - I'd rather pay more and have a single but apprently it doesn't matter how much you're prepared to pay if you're born in summer. Wait til I get my hands on my parents.

My family insist I don't cycle either - even my brother doesn't want me to and he does nothing but cycle in London. I don't think 30 mins is too far to walk and it's cheaper than a gym membership. That said, winter won't be much fun.

I know Camden was really good for clothes and markets and I'm really looking forward to it - on the plus side, I'd budgeted for £100 a week so if I'm only paying 60 odd, then that leaves much more for clothes, which was something I was worried about because after rent, insurance, food, phone, transport, I seemed to only have enough cash left to buy a fresh pair of socks once a month.

Thanks again anyway. Btw, I Have no idea what this means lol -> "CTHULHU F'THAGN"
Reply 12
Erana - do you play WoW?
Reply 13
I received my accomodation letter a few weeks ago now and with it was a leaflet about UCL's own student possessions insurance.

Apparently if you are living in a UCL Student house (E.g Max Rayne House) or UCL Halls of residence then you are automatically insured by the university.

This is what I think it means anyway. Here, take a look:
Reply 14
That's so handy! Thanks very much

My laptop would be insured which was pretty much my only concern. Would probably have to get cover for my mobile but other than that, it all looks pretty sorted

good old ucl :biggrin:
Reply 15
Erana - do you play WoW?

How did you possibly guess? Was it the troll shaman in my avatar? Naaaah... ^^
Do you play? I'm going to die at uni... won't be able to raid for over two months... aaaaagh!

"Cthulhu F'thagn" is a reference to H.P. Lovecraft's weird occult stories. Cthulhu is an elder god who appears as a cross between a dragon and a squid. It means 'Cthulhu sleeps' - the story is that, somewhere beneath the Pacific ocean, Cthulhu is slumbering in the sunken city of R'lyeh.
If you like occult stuff, you should definitely read some Lovecraft ^^
Reply 16
I was just about to pay £50 to insure my laptop and other belongings, glad I read the leaflet through more thoroughly!

Which degrees are people taking?

Reply 17
How did you possibly guess? Was it the troll shaman in my avatar? Naaaah... ^^
Do you play? I'm going to die at uni... won't be able to raid for over two months... aaaaagh!

Yeah the troll might have had something to do with it lol. I only dabble myself - I have a few characters on other people's accounts and never got past level 5 before they either get turned into mules or get deleted (the bastards!) but my ex-boyfriend and current boyfriend and just about everyone else I know play, so I'm familiar with what goes on. oh so very familiar....

which server are you on? which guild are you with?
Reply 18
french and dutch myself. you?
Reply 19
Yeah the troll might have had something to do with it lol. I only dabble myself - I have a few characters on other people's accounts and never got past level 5 before they either get turned into mules or get deleted (the bastards!) but my ex-boyfriend and current boyfriend and just about everyone else I know play, so I'm familiar with what goes on. oh so very familiar....

which server are you on? which guild are you with?

Bah, I wish I could get my boyfriend to play. He just can't put up with the grinding. I'm with a teeny family & friends guild on Silvermoon, it's called Hellroar and we have a gold bunny on a red background as our tabard :biggrin:. However we have a close association with a bigger guild called Core, so we all get to raid with them (or rather, they get to poach us whenever they need places filled) :smile:.