Thank you - that was helpful. I'm in the same boat - I'd rather pay more and have a single but apprently it doesn't matter how much you're prepared to pay if you're born in summer. Wait til I get my hands on my parents.
My family insist I don't cycle either - even my brother doesn't want me to and he does nothing but cycle in London. I don't think 30 mins is too far to walk and it's cheaper than a gym membership. That said, winter won't be much fun.
I know Camden was really good for clothes and markets and I'm really looking forward to it - on the plus side, I'd budgeted for £100 a week so if I'm only paying 60 odd, then that leaves much more for clothes, which was something I was worried about because after rent, insurance, food, phone, transport, I seemed to only have enough cash left to buy a fresh pair of socks once a month.
Thanks again anyway. Btw, I Have no idea what this means lol -> "CTHULHU F'THAGN"