The Student Room Group

Excercise + Weight Loss + Carbs

Hey, I'm just trying to lose a bit of weight I put on over the 2 months I've had off. I figure by cutting out all I've eaten already I'll be reducing my calorie intake by loads so I'm sticking to a healthy diet.
I've been excercising quite a bit recently. I went swimming this morning and I'm going to an aerobics class tonight. I just wondered if it is appropriate to have a jacket potato or pasta at lunch to help me get some energy back, or would this defeat the obhect of excercising for weight loss?

Debate among yourself TSR nutritionists.
Reply 1
Pasta or potato is perfect source of energy through carbs. Nothing bad in eating carbs..
Just stop eating junk and unhealthy food which you already did..
So ur on right track !
Reply 2
if u r workin out n burnin calories then theres no harm in takin carbs... infact u will need them since u r doin aerobics.