The Student Room Group
Learning at Imperial College London
Imperial College London

The Official "I'm going to Imperial Thread"

I've been trying to read all the threads in this sub forum but I can't make a list of all the memebers going to Imperial this year, and we arent all in the official thread in the general uni stuff forum. So could you be so kind as to post your name and subject here if your going to Impreial next year. I'm probably going to comfirm IC as my firm tomorrow, and just want to see a cross-section of the students I'll be going to IC with.

In true Adhsur "styly" here is a list of those who have said already that they are going to IC, and what they are going to study. If you want to be added just post in the thread.

Kevin (Chemical Engineering with Biotechnolgy)
Mystcimin (Mechanical Engineering)
Lyte (Information systems engineering)
avalondep (Civil engineering)
princeneon (Chemical Engineering)
khng_philip (Mechancial Engineering)
Amias (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
boonkoh (Biomedical Engineering)
lidybetf (Mechanical Engineering)
akk713 (Chemical Engineering)
podestam (Civil Engineering with a Year Abroad)
winston tse (Biomedical Engineering)
Kabeer (Aeronautical Engineering)
frappucino (Biomedical engineering)
Jonemo (Mechanical Engineering)
Telecaster (Mechanical Engineering)
chaka (Biomedical Engineering)
Firebreather (Mechanical Engineering)
John! (Aerospace Materials Engineering)

Jojoba86 (Physics)
edders (Physics with a Year in Europe)
RonnieP (Physics)
Freeze77 (Physics with a Year in Europe)
Keithy (Physics)
Little.rebel.l (Physics)

Maths and / or Computer Science
4Ed (Maths with mathematical physics)
BossLady (Computing)
Chaoscomplex (Maths and Computing)
Poseidon (Computer Science)
Trivance (Maths)
Leonux (Computing)
integral neo (Maths and Computer Science)
Fyska (Maths and Computer Science)
rafiees (Maths and Computer Science)
Mark123 (Maths)
Cusa (Maths and Computer Science)
chandoug (Maths and Computing)
85ah11 (Maths)
Heofz (Computer Science)
Warun (Maths and Management)
Will Piovano (Computing)
Euclid (Maths)

Chris L (Geology)
lucykins (Geology)

klutz (Aeronautical)

cis (Biochemistry)
Asphixyating (Biochemistry with management)
lalaworld (Biochemistry with management)
Pumpkinfoodle (Biochemistry)
Richfaut (Biochemistry)
Tom H (Biochemistry)

adrian (Medicine)
greeny (Medicine)
DaveR (Medicine)
BeCuZ iT RoCKs (Medicine)
KerChing (Medicine)

magnoliaceae (Biology and management-placement)

Chemistry :wink:
mooey (Chemistry with management)

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Reply 1
Learning at Imperial College London
Imperial College London
Reply 2
Kevin - CHem Engg with Biotech
Reply 3
Me - MSci Physics (Conditional Firm Offer)
Reply 4
Min - Mechanical Engineering (MEng), conditional on AAB.
Reply 5
Maths with mathematical physics (confirmed unconditional)

what are you doing Kuz?
Reply 6
physics msci, conditional
Reply 7
BossLady---> Computing(or comp sci if you wanna call it that, although i think the official name is 'computing') MEng, Conditional Firm.
Reply 8
Maths with mathematical physics (confirmed unconditional)

what are you doing Kuz?

Chemistry with management 4 year BSC (Probably going to change course if I go though to Chemistry with a year in industry)
Reply 9

:eek: Your back! Welcome Back!

What are you going to be studying edders?
Reply 10
Joint Maths and Computing (Mathematics with Computer Science if you like). Firm.
Reply 11
:eek: Your back! Welcome Back!

What are you going to be studying edders?
MSci Physics with a Year in Europe (Germany).
Though I've said it many times :tongue:

And I've been keeping an eye on the forum, just haven't had the time to actively post :smile:
:confused: Can somebody explain to me the differences of MEng and MSc and even MPhil?? :confused:

Thanks in advance!!!
Reply 13
:confused: Can somebody explain to me the differences of MEng and MSc and even MPhil?? :confused:

Thanks in advance!!!
It's the difference in subject; engineering, science, or 'philosophy' (read an arts subject). They're all of equal ranking though, all Masters degrees (after 4 years of study at uni).
Reply 14
Joint Maths and Computer. Probably firm.

Not sure still whether Ill go for JMC @ Imperial or MMath @ Warwick.
Have to see, London would be good tho..
Any comments on this, warwick or imperial?
It's the difference in subject; engineering, science, or 'philosophy' (read an arts subject). They're all of equal ranking though, all Masters degrees (after 4 years of study at uni).

But, I got offers for MPhil programs in engineering depts!!?? In addition, I came across the idea of 3-year undergrad and the 4th year being awarded a MEng degree in UK??!! The degree titles I've seen in north america are different again, MEng = taught masters (1 year) and MSc = research masters (2 years)!!??

I am totally confused.......... :confused: :confused:
Reply 16
I am going to IC for Math.
Reply 17
But, I got offers for MPhil programs in engineering depts!!?? In addition, I came across the idea of 3-year undergrad and the 4th year being awarded a MEng degree in UK??!! The degree titles I've seen in north america are different again, MEng = taught masters (1 year) and MSc = research masters (2 years)!!??

I am totally confused.......... :confused: :confused:

MEng is Master of Engineering, where MSci is Master of Science. they are four-year courses. but are not simply 3 years undergraduate + 1 year master. in MEng or MSci some master level taught courses may be offered during the first three years. see also:

in addition, as i know, the MEng course in some US universities is just a master degree(2 yrs).
Reply 18
And actually "MSci" = Master IN Science
and refers to a four-year undergraduate program
Whereash "MSc" = Master OF Science and is taught as a graduate course.
For example you can do a 3-year BSc (Bachelor of Science) degree and
specialise at another institution with a 1-year MSc degree.
Reply 19
I've got an ABC conditional for MSci Geology at IC/RSM.